Chapter 4

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Can't. Breathe! 'Lord have mercy on my soul for I am about to enter your presence...' My back was flat on the ground while the rest of my body commenced punishing me for the sudden 5 mile run at a ridiculous speed. I had been a part of the Cross Country team last year, my first and last season ever. But that was a year ago already, and I hadn't gotten much distance in me since the season ended. Now this...

"You know, you didn't have to keep up with me, I'm surprised you did." Andrea stood over me already completely recovered. "Need help?" I shook my head, though I definitely should be stretching, I don't want to move. "Suit yourself." The woman left the cage, obviously tired yet energized at the same time. A runner's high is a strange thing indeed.

"Done already? Strange for someone who's mouth can run a marathon with ease." I could only see the sky through aggravated slits, the man has no business here but to spite me! Like mosquitos! Their existence is nothing but a nuisance! They all need to die in a hole. A deep, dark, scorching-hot hell hole.

"Shut up, Warden." My arm dropped over me eyes, saving them from having to gaze upon him. His soft steps drew closer, stopping right by my skull.

"Warden? Couldn't think of anything better?" His smirk was obvious, but I didn't bother looking.

"Cruel Authoritarian,  Oppressor, Tyrant, Hitler, take your pick." The arrogant expression abandoned his face and hijacked mine. He kicked at the dirt sending loose bits and rocks flying on my face. And what do I do? Cough? Sit up and dust my face off? Lunge at the idiot and tackle him to the ground? Or all of the above? Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

"Get off me!" The emeralds resembled something along the lines of poison.

"What the hell was that for?!" I had him pinned but not knowing his full strength, doubt set in about my hasty actions.

"You're the one who compared me to Hitler!" He shot back, "I was just living up to my name."

"Oh! So we've leveled up to jokes now have we?" I mused, grabbing a handful of dirt, Warden's eyes narrowed.

"Don't you-" His threat couldn't be completed due to the brown soil sprinkling onto his face. I jumped off him and sprinted to the gate. His spitting turned into growling as he stood and came after me.

"Oh shiitake mushrooms!" I slammed the gate shut and clamped the lock in place before continuing to flee. That wasn't going to hold him long and I genuinely fear for my life if I don't make it to the church.

"Come here you mutt!" Luke roared behind me, obviously there was no fence between us anymore. 'Only a few more yards! I can make it!' My calf knotted up and as my body met the earth all I could think was 'What the actual f-' " You are really going to regret that." He stood over me panting with a wicked grin. You know, I really don't think he should smile, makes him seem more demonic.

"Heil Hitler!" I saluted him laughing, mostly because I was nervous. He took a step forward but froze when the back door opened.

"Oh! Done already ?" Evelyn poked her head outside of the church. The disappointed scowl that melted on Luke's face was breathtaking. It meant life!

"Yup! I finished with Andrea but stayed out here to stretch and stuff." I jumped to my feet, later remembering my cramp. I groaned through clenched teeth then continued with a pain-filled laughter.

"Are you ok?" Her eyes widen as she ran to help me stand upright.

"Just a cramp." I chuckled, pausing only for another groan, "Damn, I haven't had one this bad in a while!" The laughter resumed; I felt kind of bad for the two who only stared in bewilderment. Here I was, clearly in pain, but laughing like someone who needs a straight jacket. That's just how I deal with pain, let me be!

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