Chapter 9

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"Should I ask?" Sam was huddled against the light post with a thick jacket. He was always a baby when it came to the cold. More than 75% of my body was covered with drying mud. I grinned and shook my head before running to give him a hug.

"How are you?!" I asked joyfully. He was warm and familiar, something I didn't even know I missed.

"Now covered in dirt." Sam tried to frown but returned my hug anyways, " I'm good. What about you? I saw your mom the other day." I stepped back, hearing Luke shift his weight as he leaned against the bike.

"I'm good, just a little busy lately." Sam's eyes wandered behind me to my warden sizing him up. "How is she?"

"Alright, but she looks tired. What happened?" His attention returned to me. "Your sisters miss you too. What's going on?"

"How are they?"

"Fay." He frowned down at me knowing I was trying to avoid his questions. "How bad was it this time?" Sam asked in regards to my blackouts. Whenever they'd happen, I'd leave home for a few days. Usually I'd stay with Sam until I felt safe enough for my family to go back.

"I haven't had one," I began carefully, "Well I did but then I remembered what happened during that time, but that's not it."

"Then?" He crossed his arms and gave me his big brother look. I turned to look at Warden who was watching us closely.

"It's a long story..." How could I even begin to explain I'm part wolf?! Trapping my bottom lip in my teeth, my eyes pleaded him to wait for answers.

"Fine. Let's go, it's freakin' cold out here." He shivered and tried to rub his arms warm.

"You're such a wimp." I laughed, walking to his car before someone cleared their throat behind us. "Right..." I grabbed Sam's sleeve and dragged him over to the bike. "Sam, this is Luke. Luke, Sam." They shook hands with the air tense and challenging. "Anyways, we're going to his apartment. You can follow us there."

"We can follow him there." Warden corrected, eyes locking onto me.

"Seriously?!" Just how short was my leash?! He glared down at me and I shut up.

"Really? Give her some space bro." Sam tugged me back to his side.

"Fay.." Warden warned, his eyes ablaze. I sighed with exasperation and walked back over to the bike.

"We'll meet you there." I grimaced, Sam was pissed.

"Who do you think you are to be ordering her around like that?" His giant hands clenched into fists. Luke please don't-

" Calm down before you hurt yourself." Luke had a small smile playing on his lips. He was shorter than Sam, but we both knew what Sam didn't.

"Guys stop!" I stood between them glaring at the idiots. "Sam calm down. Luke shut up." Both looked at me with the same angry gazes.

"You sure as hell better not be dating this guy Fay..." Sam's jaws clenched together. Blood rushed up to my face with his words.

"What?!" I stood gaping like a fish out of water.

"What's it to you?" Luke shot back, popping his knuckles.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I turned to Warden who ignored me. What is with these two?!

"She's not an idiot to be with an arrogant controlling moron like you." Sam spat out in disgust, pulling me behind him.

"Hey!" Was all I could say as my body flew and I stumbled around trying to regain my balance. The moment I turned back to them, Sam's head whipped back and Luke was ready for another swing. "Guys!"

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