Chapter 27

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Hungry, so hungry...

Those were my first thoughts. A stale scent of blood snared my senses, coaxing my eyes to open in order to find the source. I looked around me to find my friends asleep, it was night out. Luke snored softly as he leaned against the little sofa where I was laying. It was more than a little nippy, but the growling of my stomach couldn't be ignored. I slid off the couch and tiptoed around the sleeping bodies. I wanted food. I needed food. Once outside, I inhaled the sweet scents of the winter desert, the crisp clean air was delicious. My body felt giddy to be out and about, and as I turned to all fours, I felt a stirring in my surroundings. Something else was out to play.

"Marco~" I sang, prowling about with delight. Twas' the night of the hunter, and a hunter I was to be. To run and leap and feel the cool air brush through my fur, my heart swelled. Snap! There you are. Rabbit. The moment I smelled him, my jaws salivated and my cravings turned into sharp pangs. A growl rose from me, begging for a chase. Instead it froze, praying to whichever bunny gods were listening. I stalked closer, every muscle in my body tense and ready to react. I sprang and the fool darted away, filling me with glee. We zigged and zagged, turning the sharpest corners, but I was ready. With a single bound I could catch him!

'Fay!' A voice popped into my head and I ate dirt. What in the actual F- 'Fay! Where are you?!' I heard it again and my hairs rose. My nose stung from whatever rock scraped it in my crash. I looked around and only saw the white fuzzy tail of my meal bounce away into oblivion. I decided to explore more, the pains were getting worse. My ears strained for any sign of life and for a long time, not a peep was made. 'Fay!' I heard the voice again and it sounded strangely like Luke's voice. Wait, Luke? The fight! I was about to die! The last thing I remember was that rogue shanking me with her claws and I-

"Where's my knife?!" I skidded to halt and turned heel. Dashing back to the castle, I pushed back my hunger. Some things were more urgent than food. Rarely, but it happens. A good distance away I saw him. He smelled vaguely familiar but I didn't recognize him completely. His murky brown fur covered the strong body; he was large, but didn't quite emit the power of an Alpha. But his eyes, they glittered like emeralds and had me in a trace. I growled a warning for him to leave, but instead the idiot crept closer to me. My fur bristled and my lips curled into a snarl. My friends were all asleep inside, they were vulnerable to an attack. I didn't even pay attention to their condition when I left! They could all be hurting badly!

'Fay, calm down. It's ok.' Luke's voice filled my head again and I felt his wariness. I could actually feel it! The wolf came closer and I lunged; he deliberately ignored all my warnings! The wolf dodged but didn't attack. 'Fay! Stop! It's me!'

'What's going on?!' I felt this connection in my mind, kind of like how you can feel the strum of guitar strings, and I directed my thoughts to it. 'Luke?' The wolf tried approaching me again and I snapped my jaws near his throat. He whirled around and tackled me, pinning me to the floor. I growled and tried to wriggle free but I was stuck.

'It's me Fay.' He licked my muzzle whining softly. I blinked taking it all in. Luke was a wolf?

'You turned?!? When did this happen?! Are you ok??'

'I'm fine, don't worry.'

'But wait, you aren't hungry? Slightly psychotic? A raging animal?'

'No, I've got myself under control.' He reassured me with a toothy grin.

'But, how? Wasn't there a spell on you?'

'I'll explain all that later. For now, let's-' I swatted his muzzle and he blinked in surprise.

'You made me lose my dinner! I took a nose dive because of you and your freaky telepathy thing!'

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