Chapter 10

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"Hurry up!" Cleo called waving her hand in the air. I wasn't allowed to leave the small shop til after 7. The old man was kind, but made me make up the time I was late. Though the shop was small, it sure was busy. "How was it?"

"Not bad." I replied, slumping down into the seat with a sigh.

"I'm surprised the old geezer didn't chew you out too." Cleo laughed, cruising away.

"Evelyn gave me an earful before dropping me off. He probably cut me some slack because of that."

"You're probably right." She turned on the radio, volume at full blast. But before the next song could come on, I turned if down.

"Hey could you drop me off somewhere?" I hadn't realized how close I was to home. I was worried about my mom and sisters, it wasn't fair for me to just leave them like this. After giving Cleo directions, we drove with the volume up so loud it shook the windows. Those we passed looked on with curiosity, amusement, or disapproval.

"Here we are. Do you want me to wait for you?" Cleo parked the car in front of  a small house that looked more like a cottage than anything else.

"No it's ok, I'll find a way back." I waved good-bye before opening the gate. The stone path leading to the door was littered with toys. 'Messy house, Happy Kids.' I remember someone once said while I maneuvered around the children's play things. Before I even knocked, a squealing 5 year old ripped the door open with all her might.

"FAY!!" Leanna shrieked ecstatically. Her arms wrapped around me and I pretended to be crushed by her strength.

"Can't breathe." I coughed grinning from ear to ear.

"FAY!!!!" A louder voice came along with heavier footsteps. I braced myself knowing this one could probably knock me off my feet. Danny, true as ever, charge at me, throwing her full weight at me in an enormous glomp.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" My eyes widened as I felt us fall down the steps from the impact. Holding them close, I took the damage with a pained laugh.

"Sorry!" Danny laughed, without a trace of guilt in her eyes. "I missed you!" She whinned, "Why haven't you come back?!" Her lips pouted angrily. In the few weeks I've been gone, they've both grown so much!

"I'm here now right? Now get off so I can get up!" They obeyed, only letting me stand before each grabbing a hand and yanking me inside. The familiar warm scents of home tugged at my heart strings. Nostalgia filled every crack within me, candles and holiday decor were lit and strewn about in the living room. That's right, it'll be Christmas soon. Manuel had candles and a rosary next to his picture along with a chocolate concha, his favorite kind of Mexican sweet bread. Leanna must have put it there, I thought with a smile. It'll be two years now...

"How's Luke?" Danny wiggled her eyebrows at me summoning heat to my cheeks.

"Fine." I answered simply, trying to maintain calm and collect. She narrowed her eyes and my skin prickled, threatening to turn a shade I didn't want her to see.  "Hi." I waved awkwardly from the doorway, Mom was busy in the kitchen. She turned and instantly gripped her wooden spoon as she stared.

"For every day you didn't call..." She pointed at me with her new weapon, the woman absolutely had it in her.

"Sorry." I did feel guilty, she had even gotten me a phone specifically so I could call her instead of having to use the one at the church so I didn't really have an excuse. But not once had I dialed her number, til last night, when she didn't answer.

"Come here." She set down her makeshift paddle, enveloping me in a desperate embrace. "I could so ground you right now!" She began, her voice cracking. "The only way I knew you were alive was because I called the church every so often. Didn't they ever tell you I called?!"

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