Chapter 20

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After struggling to open the door, I kicked it in not caring about damaging the pack house. Fay scurried into the shower and shut the door, placing her feet on either side so I couldn't open it. The mirror was broken and there was a puddle of blood on the floor.

"Are you ok?!" I stepped inside, incredibly grateful that I hadn't taken my shoes off yet.

"Get out!" The short girl snapped, but I sensed the fear in her voice. What was going on?

"Answer my question." More likely than not she had also cut her bare feet on the broken glass that littered the tiles below.

"I'm fine!"

"No you're not." I dug around under the sink for the med kit.

"Then why did you ask in the first place?!" She slumped down to the floor but held her grip on the door. Why was she like this when just a few minutes ago- "Get out Luke, I'm fine."

"Did I do something?" She stayed quiet. My thoughts replayed everything that had happened since we came upstairs. She had gotten over her anger, we did this and that...I couldn't think of anything. "Did I go to fast? Is that what it is?" I didn't know anything about her past, maybe something had happened to her? Maybe this was too much for her and she realized it too late due to all the alcohol she drank.


"Dammit Fay! If I did something wrong at least tell me so I can apologize!" I sat in front of the glass door. Her head rested against it, but due to the frost like coating on the glass, I couldn't see her face. "If you don't want to talk to me that's fine, but at least let me treat those cuts." 'She's in pain.' That's all I could think about, and I wanted to fix it.

She opened the door and stuck out her hand. It was covered in blood with little shards sticking out from her skin. Getting to work right away, I tried to read her expressions in between picking out glass and disinfecting the wounds. She had holed herself up inside, just like the day I first met her. The whole strong facade was back, not wanting anyone to see the mess inside.

"It wasn't you." She whispered as I worked on the last foot. She winced after I pulled out a rather large piece.

"Sorry." Half of me let out a mental sigh, but the other half was even more worried because I couldn't fix it right away.

"It was me." Her masquerade was slowly falling apart. Tears gathered in her eyes eventually spilling out and I kept my mouth shut, finishing up. She's still trying to be tough. The moment I finished she slammed the door shut again.

After about an hour of sitting in silence, Fay fell asleep in the shower. I waited a little longer before carrying her out and laying her on the bed. I couldn't help but smile down at the tenacious little figure with raccoon eyes as I tucked her in.

***Fay's POV***

I blinked my eyes several times, my brain was wide awake way too early. I'm not a morning person, but apparently today, that doesn't matter. I tried snuggling down deeper into the blanket but the sheets smelled funny. Right! I was at Victor's pack house! Last night there was a celebration and...and...

"How are you feeling?" Luke set down a glass of water on the table by the bed. My cheeks warmed considerably at the messy sight of his morning demeanor. At least he had a shirt on this time...

"I think I'm sick..." I put my palm on my forehead to make sure I didn't have a fever. Luke raced to grab the trash can and held it up for me. "Not that kind of sick-" I felt material on my skin and saw my hand was wrapped in a bandage; tearing off the sheets, I found my feet were in the same condition. "When did this happen?!"

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