Chapter 7

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A few more weeks had passed since my first time out as a Nighthunter. Mom and Zulie had gone back to civilization after a long and teary goodbye. Leanna was desperate to stay, but alas, I watched her in the window of the SUV, crying a river. I didn't like being separated from her, she was like my daughter. But this was something I had  to do, and it's not like this was the last time I was going to see her. But still, it hurts a little...

"Earth to fleabag!" Warden called out before whacking me with a rolled up newspaper. The sun hadn't come out the past few days; the weather has just been cold, dark, and gloomy. It's normal for the fall season, but it can still bring down your mood and motivation.

"What?" I rubbed the sore spot. I had lost concentration aeons ago, but Warden insisted I kept trying to shift. I've been able to successfully shift three times in my time here, but never while I'm out on patrol. Every since my run in with Daniel, we haven't gone back to Area 4. And still, everyone I've run in to   seems to recognize me after a little while. And they all ask the same question. "Where is Alex?" Not once has Luke mentioned it to Evelyn, at least not to my knowledge.

"Again! Unless you have something more important to be focusing on?" He challenged, folding his arms; the muscles flexed impatiently. My head tilted to a side, fixated on the flesh. My thoughts floated aimlessly, not able to lock onto anything.

"Actually..." I murmured softly, feeling myself falling deeper into the daze. My teeth ached and itched slightly, as if I was about to go through that horrible hunger phase again. But this time was a bit different.

"Hey! Snap out of it!" Luke glanced at me wearily, but the words didn't register in my mind. There's something odd about this...The air felt thick, as if I were underwater. "Fay!" He tensed up, nervous and uncomfortable, heat radiated off of him. I kind of like this warmth, but with this cool temperature, warm isn't enough.

"It's cold." I heard myself say, but my voice sounded strange. I watched Emerald's Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed nervously. Why did it look so close? My own body temperature rose until they matched and two hearts raced in silence.

"Fay, stop." He shivered and kept his eyes up. A sudden breeze sent chills up my arms and down my spine as if to shock me back to my senses. Luke had backed into the wall of the church, my hand was pressed against his chest. Stumbling back my face flushed while my eyes grew wide, the itch in my teeth gone completely.

"What the hell?!" I wiped my palms on my pants before my fingers ran through my hair. 'I think I've got psycho cooties now!'

"That's what I should be saying! What's up with you?!" Luke appeared to be equally embarrassed, his attempt to cover it up with anything else was futile. His cheeks were dark red with matching ears. Ignoring him, my legs kept continuing backwards. 'Why did I do that?!'

"I..I don't..."Embarrassment held my tongue, so I did the only logical thing I could think of.

I ran.

Now it's cold! I huddled under a tree, using it to block the wind that had begun to pick up. But I didn't dare go inside. Had anyone seen me?! Why didn't he stop me?! He obviously saw something was off, why did he let it get that far? My skin crawled and not just because of the chilliness. I can't stand the guy being that close to me when it's not necessary, and there I was practically cornering him.

"You're going to get sick if you stay out here any longer." Damien dropped a jacket on my shoulders. "I heard it might rain so you better come in."

"Where's Hitler?" I tugged the jacket on keeping my gaze averted.

"He just hopped in the shower, why?" I stood abruptly. Perfect!! "Something happen?" His eyes gleamed with excitement.

"No! Nothing happened!" I replied way to quick and stern. 'Uh-huh' was the young teen's expression, but he didn't press the matter. Instead we jogged silently back to the church as the wind cooled with the coming water. Just in time...just in time...

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