Chapter 26

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I slapped him harder than I probably should have, but it still had no affect. This was the second time he'd fallen unconscious, but his time without warning. What the hell?! I dragged him back to the room. I couldn't put him up on the bed even if I tried, so again, he was to sleep on the floor. This time I was kinder, providing the man with a pillow and blanket. I sat beside him, running my fingers through his hair. Honestly, what a pain you turned out to be, a smile curled up on my lips. I still hadn't asked him about his tattoo. I noticed it the day I met him which seemed like ages ago, but I never asked. It was a raven perched on an arrow, it was placed on his back, just below his neck. I didn't feel sleep overtake me, all I saw was that bird's silhouette and could hear the word "tomorrow" over and over.

My phone rang and when I checked it, somehow I had three missed calls and one voicemail. The first was from Mom, the second from Sam, and the last was an unknown number. I listened to the voicemail from Sam,

"Fay, I don't know where you are right now but please call me back as soon as you can. You're family is staying here at my place. Don't worry, they'll be safe here." Click. Wait, wait, what?? I called Mom and there was no answer, panic began settling into my skin, making it crawl. I called Sam right after, and it seemed like forever but finally, "Fay?"

"Sam! Hey, what's going on?"

"Where are you?" Our voices overlapped each other.

"I tried calling Mom, you said she was with you? Is every one ok?" The wariness in my friend's voiced nurtured the seeds of fear that had been planted.

"They're fine, they're all safe with me. Listen, thing's are really starting to go up in flames. A wolf brought a new team to town and they've had another massacre. They tried going after your family too, that's why they're with me now. They burned your house down." His line went quiet as I absorbed all of this.

"Sam, you need to take my family to this church, they'll be safe there-"

"I've already talked to Evelyn, she agreed they'd be safer with me. I can protect them better than she can."

"I really do appreciate it Sam, but they're trained hunters, and you-"

"The church is gone. It was the second hit after the massacre. I'm telling you things are getting out of control here. How close are you to finding Alex?" I blinked, just now noticing there were tears forming in my eyes. "Fay?"

"I-I'm close. Can I talk to my mom please?" Silence. "Sam?"

"They're all asleep right now."

"At least let me talk to my mom."

"Not now, they've had a long day. You can talk to them later, when they wake up." This wasn't right, not at all. Something felt off, as out of place as a Winchester appearing on the set of a tv show.

"Sam, put my mom on the phone." I growled only to be answered with a sigh.

"Please hurry, Fay." Click. Eliza burst through the door right after Sam hung up, she skidded to a halt. The last caller didn't even cross my mind as I was steadily boiling.

"Fay, are you ok?" I was feeling less in control, this burning rage in my belly was melting the bars that imprisoned this beast within me. Sam was my best friend, the only one I could go to when I needed help. He was like a brother to me. He knows I don't do well with betrayal, and for his sake, this better not be.

"What?" I growled at her. She winced but continued anyways,

"My father just called, the hunters' church has been destroyed. They've taken shelter elsewhere, but there's a new wolf in town who's wrecking havoc. We need to hurry and find your..find Alex."She corrected herself, not wanting to anger me further.

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