Chapter 21

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"Alexandra?" There was a knock at the door and a butler cautiously opened it. "May I?

"There's no Alexandra here, wrong number." I groaned while stretching. It's been a week since Christmas; I agreed to share half of the bed with Luke as long as we put pillows in between, but everyday I would wake up to find him on the floor. While stretching, my arms brushed against something warm and fleshy. What the hell?

"Move your arm or you're going to regret it." A husky voice next to me warned.

"What the hell?!" By then I was wide awake, sitting up so fast I got dizzy. "What are you doing?! Oh geez don't tell me I touched-"

"My face? Not the first time it's happened, get over it." Luke chuckled and turned his back to me, trying to get comfortable.

"What are you doing in my bed?!"

"Our bed." He corrected.

"You were sleeping on the floor though!"

"Got tired of it."

"And our pillow agreement?" Our fluffy wall was nowhere to be found.

"They're all on the floor on your side, nothing I could do about it." He replied without a hint of concern. The butler standing in the doorway cleared his throat to get our attention again.

"Do you mind?!" I glared until he backed outside and closed the door again. "What time is it even?" I couldn't see the digital clock by the bed cause Sleeping Beauty's head was in the way.

"3 am." The princess mumbled out. I gradually noticed the loss of warmth after he rolled away and I bit my lip. I refused to admit that I had enjoyed his presence near me. I knew deep down that we were bound together by an invisible red string, but something about being destined bothered me. It disturbed the idea of warming up to him like how everyone describes mates should be. Not having a choice is what's unsettling about this.

"Alexandra?" The butler knocked again, adding a tad bit more urgency to his tone.

"That's not my name!" I snapped, feeling a vicious fire burn in my stomach.

"You should probably go." Luke murmured, not moving an inch.

"And why's that? It's 3 o'clock! I should be asleep! Not meeting with an old grouch for who know's what reason!" I clenched the sheets.

"Then go find out the reason so I can go back to sleep." The pillow I slept on turned into a weapon the moment I held it down on Sleeping Beauty's head.

"You miserable jerkwad!" He shouted various curses which were muffled by the pillow and fought to breathe. In a flash, his hand squeezed my side and I jumped off, squeaking like a mouse. "That's cheating!" I hissed from the other side of the bed.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Alexandra?!" I had already flipped a chair in the past 30 minutes. There had been 3 more deaths in the past week that no one had told me about til now. All just to taunt and tease me, to drive me insane. Which frankly, they're doing a terrific job!

"That is your birth name, your proper name. And once you become Lord, that is the name you will be addressed by." Victor stated with a strained voice; in the past half hour I had taken shots of my own and his feathers were ruffled indeed.

"My birth name is Fay, the name my mother gave me at birth. My proper name is Fay, the only name I've been called my whole life. Just because my deadbeat dad suddenly pops into my life doesn't change ANYTHING. Now, aren't there more important things to discuss? Like what the hell your pack is doing to track down these bastards?!"

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