Chapter 37

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"So when Alexander made the sword, it was like he surrendered and transferred his power to it. Once you surrender something, whether it be your status, mate, territory, etc. you have to fight to get it back. In other words, someone still had to challenge Alexander for him to become Lord again, officially."

"But then why didn't she just-"

"My time as Lord has long passed. I've fought this war once, a long time ago. I wanted to bring peace and security to humans. And so I did. But it's time for the new generation to lead us." Alexander and his daughter shared a silent conversation for a moment before he smiled, "Besides I'm incredibly eager to experience....what do you humans call it? Retirement." He chuckled to himself but gulped at the ruckus on the other side of the office door.

"No ma'am! You can't-"

"Ouch! Hey!"

"It's only for-" The doors burst open to reveal a seething lady wielding a wooden spoon.

"Hijo de tu madre!" Maria stormed up to Alexander. One thing I've learned, you don't worry or cross a Hispanic woman. " Pinches-"

"Mom!" Fay slowly inched her way to the far side of the room, away from her father.

"Don't you 'Mom' me! You are grounded, chamaca!" She pointed the spoon at her daughter before aiming it back at Alexander. "And you!"

"Maria, amor-"

"Oh no no no! Don't you play slick! The both of you are in trouble! What were you thinking putting yourselves in that kind of situation?! Trying to kill each other?! And for what?! A crown?!" She turned back to Fay, "I thought I raised you better than... for such a stupid..." Her anger stole her tongue, much like how Fay becomes speechless with rage at times.

"It's not like that-" Alexander tried explaining, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Your own daughter?!" Aaaaand back to Alex..." What good were all those apologies and promises of making it up to her, if you were going to flay her alive!" Maria's voice was shrill, with accusations flying left and right like a freakin Oprah show 'You get one! And you get one! And they all get one!' Not a soul in the room was spared for a good 15 minutes, including Daniel and Victor who stood dumbfounded the whole time.

"So, now that we're finally alone again.." Fay locked the door behind her. My mind shot straight downstairs, involuntarily. We managed to explain everything to Maria and she finally blew off the built up steam. There was a newfound appreciation for us. We weren't a perfect couple, but I still had her by my side. I've only known her for a handful of months, but I know I love her with every fiber in my being. I couldn't fathom the thought of being separated from her for 18 years.

"Yes, love?" I practically purred, my face warmed at the tone of my voice but I didn't care. My mate sashayed over to me, gently pushing me onto the bed so I sat looking up at her. The mischievous gleam in her eye turned lethal the second she crossed her arms.

"Evelyn." Shit...

'I heard that.' She replied through our link. My reaction made her purse her lips and cock up an eyebrow.

"You might want to sit down." I softly tugged her hand but she pulled away.

"We both know that's not gonna happen." She was trying her best not to jump to conclusions, holding her temper. I wanted to smile with a small burst of pride but that would probably piss her off, making her think I wasn't taking her seriously. "Please explain."

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