16. 2nd Movie Night

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Avery's POV

I haven't seen The Avengers in ages! I really liked the movie cause it had heaps of action and I liked how there were all the superheroes in one movie. The plot was also pretty interesting. But, I was distracted half the time.

Jordan called me beautiful. I know he probably didn't mean it properly but for me it still made me feel a bit less self-conscious about myself. And also that other part. A party. Me. Jordan Cooper. They are 3 groups that would probably not mix too well. I've never been to a party and from what Aubrey said, Jordan's are the greatest of the great. Plus, he invited me first which is kind of strange. Shouldn't he invite, I don't know, his friends first? Like, his closer ones? Luke and Tyler? All the people who seem to fit in the party crowd better than me. I'd bet Jordan has girls lining up to come to one of his famous parties.

But, no, out of everyone here who would probably want to come to this party, Jordan picks me, the awkward shy girl who hardly says a word all day. What kind of a person would invite someone like that to a party? A place where people let loose, drinking, dancing and who knows what else happens at parties. I don't even know what to expect.

I know I'm overthinking this whole thing so I decide to tune into the movie again. It's at the part when Loki is stuck in that weird glass thing. I decide to sneak a quick look at Jordan to see if he's watching the movie, asleep or anything else. Instead, I see him staring directly at me. I desperately want to look away and return my gaze to the screen but somehow at this close proximity, his blue eyes are like hypnotising me. The draw me in and I find myself staring back at him. Somehow, I feel myself moving closer to him, but I have no control over my body. I can hear my breathing deepen and my stomach feels really warm.

All of a sudden, Thor is falling down to the earth in the glass cage and the screen makes a loud crashing noise when it hits the ground, tearing my eyes off Jordan. When I look back at him after I jumped,I see a smirk plastered on his face, making my cheeks warm and I subconsciously bite my lip. We continue watching the movie in silence and I roll my shoulders back after I realised we've been hunching over the screen, seeing as there's no back support. I hear a few clicks in my spine which feel satisfying. After I sigh in contentment, I remember that Jordan Cooper is right next to me so I hastily return my eyes to the screen. After few seconds, I feel a large hand on my back in a comforting gesture. It makes the area feel warm and makes me feel safe somehow. My head twists to Jordan who's looking at me as if he's in a trance.

"Hey, do you want to lean against the back wall?" he asks, whispering as if we're in a cinema and he doesn't want to disturb the people in front of us.

"Um ok" I say back. I pause the movie and lay my laptop down on the bed before pushing my pillows ups that they're against the wall. We sit back until we're sitting against the wall with our backs against the pillows. It's kind of squishy seeing as it's only a single bed and Jordan is much broader than me. I sit closer to the wall so I'm squashed between Jordan and the wall.

Our biceps brush against each other and my arm instantly tenses. I can feel Jordan's strong muscles in his arm tense as well, but then slowly calm back down. I rest the laptop on my lap and tilt it so it faces Jordan as well and play the movie again.

There's only about 10 minutes left now. I find myself wanting but also not wanting Aubrey to come back. Just as I start thinking about Aubrey, I remember where she is and I don't even want to know what's happening in Luke's and Jordan's room. I find myself feeling really tired but force my eyes to stay open, as I don't want to fall asleep next to Jordan. He'll probably think I'm a bigger freak than I already am.

I am so engrossed in the movie and just as Iron Man wakes up, the door opens quietly. I see Aubrey's platinum blonde hair before anything and look up to see her. She must have thought that I as asleep or something because she looks in stealth mode. Then, I think she sees the light from my laptop and her rigid stance drops.

"Oh my god I thought you were sleeping!" she says, facing away from us while locking the door. I don't think she has even seen Jordan yet. She turns on the light and I squint at the brightness and pause the movie. Just as she turns back around she gasps and opens her mouth with raised eyebrows and large eyes.

"Oh, Jordan. You're still here she says with one arched eyebrow.

"I was just watching The Avengers with Avery" he says.

"Oh, ok, well you're room is free now" she says with a double meaning and is basically asking Jordan to leave. I want him to go but I don't want him to at the same time. Jordan steps off my bed and I feel his weight leave the mattress.
"I guess I should leave. Well hopefully I see you on Friday night. Hey, Aubrey, you can come as well if you want. Can I text you the details, Avery?" he asks. Aubrey sits up straighter and wonders about his offer. I'm sure she would love to go to one of his parties. He said that he wants to text me the details. I guess that means he wants my number.

"Uh, ok" I say and get out my phone from the front pocket of my backpack. He pulls out his from a pocket in his jeans. We swap phones and I add my contact to his phone. Once we're both done, Jordan hands me back my phone and I give him his back. Aubrey is already getting cosy in her bed and sort or pretends we're not there. Jordan has a cheeky grin on his face as he moves towards the door.

"Seeya Avery" he says and then slips through the door. I close it behind me and turn around to face Aubrey who looks like she's about to burst.

Sorry for the long wait, I've been kinda busy lately. Well, I have exams coming up soon so yeah. Hey also just so that you know I live Australia and that's why I decided that Avery should be from Australia because then I could relate to somethings. OK keep reading and I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

:) Rebelllama

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