31. Getting Ready

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Many things are spread and smeared over my face as she starts working on it. Aubrey puts on a some skin toned liquid evenly across my face. She lightly brushes on some reddish tinted powder over my cheeks. My eyes take the longest as she needs to do the mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner perfectly. I feel tiny brushes over my eyelids quite often and when she puts on the red/pink coloured lipstick on, it tickles my lips. Finally, Aubrey finishes working on my face and when I look in the mirror, it looks almost identical to what Clara did to me.

"Thank you Aubrey" I say, getting up.

"Wait, we're not done, I still need to do your hair" she says, plopping me back in my spot with a smile. I laugh and let out an 'oomf' noise as I fall back on the seat. I take out my braid and slide the hair tie over my wrist. Aubrey moves my hair at the front over my shoulders and looks at me in the mirror. I don't know what she's thinking from her expression but I hope she doesn't want to cut my hair off anything like that.

"Wow, you're hair is actually so pretty when it's out. You should have it out more often!" she says, feeling my hair in her hands.

"Uh, thanks" I say.

"You know what? I don't need to do anything to your hair. It looks great by itself and that would add to the natural look as well" she says, starting to pack up. All she does is add a little hairspray stuff so that it doesn't go all frizzy and then I can finally stand.

"Oh, well thanks anyway" I say and get up. We both walk out of the bathroom and Aubrey goes into the bathroom with her dress which I haven't seen yet to also do her hair. While she starts straightening her hair, I decide to get into my dress.

I undress and slip into the dress quite easily. I pull out the box that my new shoes came in and tie up the laces tightly before standing up to test my balance. The shoes are quite sturdy which I'm glad about. The eyeshadow is quite dark but it makes my eyes stand out more. While I'm pacing up and down, practising using my shoes, Aubrey comes out of the bathroom. She wears a stunning floaty kind of pale turquoise coloured dress. It's more white at the top and criss crosses around her neck and spreads out at the bottom with more colour. Her straightened hair lies softly over her shoulders and she looks sort of like a mermaid fairy to me.

"Your dress is really pretty" I say.

"Thanks, I'm so happy everything matches in your outfit!" she says and gentle grabs my wrist, dragging me back to the bathroom to see our reflections in the full length mirror beside the sink. Now I can see what she means. The black and white colour scheme in my outfit all goes together from the black laces of the shoes to my natural messy/curly hair.

"Wow it looks amazing, you were right" I say.

"No, you look amazing" she says, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Uh thanks, you too" I say. We go back to the beds and I place all my essentials in my little black shoulder bag while Aubrey does the same for her matching greens-blue coloured purse. Included in my bag is my glasses and Aubrey gave me a small bottle of makeup remover and some wipes just in case.

"You ready to go?" she asks me.

"Yeah, I think so" I say, standing up from my bed.

"Ok, good. Tonight is gonna be great!" she says and hugs me before we exit through the door. We walk side by side down the corridor, and into the elevators. On we reach the bottom floor, we head over to the other side of campus which I've only ever been twice. When I first came and when I went shopping with Aubrey.

We stand near the bus stop that Aubrey said was the one that stops the closest to Jordan's house. I never thought about how Aubrey would know where Jordan lives but I guess lots of people that go to his parties would know.

Seems that I turned out right. While we wait at the bus stop, at least 8 other people who looked dressed up starting coming out of no where to join us at the once lonely bus stop. By the time the bus comes by, there are about 10 people straight out of a party scene from a movie surrounding us as we stand in the bus. There are a few stops on the way to Jordan's house and even more people come on. How the hell can a person even know this many people?

We stand on the bus for about 15 minutes until the bus stops and basically all the people in the bus get out in a huge stampede to get out of the bus first. I get pushed ad shoved a few times, but manage to stay standing which I would believe to be an achievement, considering the mass amount of people. I could see Aubrey through the people that walked between us. I found her annoyed expressions at the rude people very amusing and we ended up being one of the last few people off the bus.

"People have become so impolite nowadays" she says as soon as we meet again. I laugh at her thoughts. There is a pack of people all walking in one direction, which I assume leads to Jordan's house.

Now that we're getting closer, I'm starting to feel really nervous again, just like this morning. Why did I ever to agree to this? I should've known that I wouldn't fit in or anything. My dress isn't very short or tight which I like but looking around, I see many girls wearing basically nothing. The clothes they have chosen are more like tea towels than dresses. We walk down a road and as we get closer to Jordan's house, I start to hear loud, strong bass music. If I can hear it from all the way back here, how loud must it be inside the house?

Finally another update!! So sorry, as I said in the previous chapter I went interstate for a bit and there was no wifi and I was busy most of the time. 

Happy Australia Day for yesterday to anyone who lives in Australia, or anyone who wants to celebrate it anyway :) 

So what do you think is going to happen at the party?

Thanks for reading,


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