41. Playground Fun

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Avery's POV

We came to the party pretty late last night so we couldn't really see anything besides the house. Now that it is brighter and there is more light, I notice that there don't seem to be any other houses around here.

All I can see is more grass and trees. We walk for about 10 minutes before I see an open area with a small colourful playground. There isn't anyone else here and it looks like a private park. My instincts tell me to sprint straight towards the playground and go on every piece of equipment but I continue to walk next to Jordan. Our group stops and I notice that Jordan has leaned near my ear.

"Do you want to go to the playground?" he asks, the amusement clear in his voice. Damn, was I really that obvious?

"Uh, it's ok" I answer and shyly smile downwards.

"I know you want to" he sing songs with a smile. Jordan looks down and holds my hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. My hand instantly warms up and the sparks flutter across it.

"Come on!" he says with a grin, pulling me along towards the playground. I giggle as we run, the others looking at us with a confused expression. I go straight towards the ladder, which leads to a bridge which leads to a slide. I slip my body through the hole and flow down the path of the slide. At the end of the tunnel, I see that all the others have joined Jordan and I and we have become a group of 6 year olds in the playground. After going on many pieces of equipment, Tyler calls us all over to the net swing.

"Hey, you all go in the swing and I'll push everyone" he says. The remaining five of us clamber into the net swing and I find it hard to get into a comfortable position.

Let me remind you that we are trying to fit 4 adult sized people -well I don't count cause I'm a midget- into a fairly small net swing can be difficult.

I find myself squished into the middle. Probably because I'm the smallest.

My back is awkwardly positioned against Aubrey's elbow.

Someone's shoe is pushing into my arm.

I think Bradley's half sitting on my foot.

And, to top it off, each time Tyler pushes us, Jordan's arm brushes against my leg.

A flutter of sparks keep flying along my leg and I look up to him. He's smiling down at me and his wavy hair moves slightly through the force of the swing. Jordan's twinkling blue eyes seem brighter when he smiles and I take a moment to admire him. I wonder if he can feel the sparks as well? Or am I just some weirdo?

Tyler's pushing us pretty hard now and I can feel the moment on both sides when we're floating with no weight. Then my stomach drops back down again as we come back down again.

Suddenly, with no warning, Tyler dives into the net while we're still swinging, crashing into Jordan, who, from the unexpected impact, tumbles on top me.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for the weight of two strong guys to fall on me, but it never comes. Slowly I open my eyes, and meet Jordan's face only centimetres away from me. Our noses are almost touching and his shining blue eyes stare into me and his hair flops over his forehead. A small smile plays on his lips and I look either side of my head, seeing his hands holding his weight off me.

I look back at him and smile as well, finding the amusement in the situation. He grins wider before lifting off me, getting out of the swing. I find that my head is lying on Aubrey's knees, as she must have fallen back as well. Also, she fell back and landed right in Luke's lap.

The two lovebirds stare into each others eyes, similar to what Jordan and I were doing a few seconds ago. You can see the obvious affection they have for each other but at least they don't gross us all out again by kissing. We all get out of the net, agreeing that it was a terrible idea. Most of the others were mad at Tyler for diving into the net.

We continued playing on the equipment for a while. The boys were mostly doing chin ups on the monkey bars, showing off their muscles. Aubrey simply rolled her eyes and muttered 'boys' under her breath. I looked over at Jordan and we smiled to each other about the whole chin-ups business. I skip over to the swings and start moving my legs and soon get into a rhythm. After going quite high so that I was almost in line with the top bar, I decide to get off before I make myself sick.

I'm not scared of heights exactly, but I'm just cautious of how high I am and don't always feel comfortable. I move onto the individual bars, similar to the ones in the gym but there's only 3 of them. A small one that's near my waist, a medium one that's slightly over my height and another one that I have to reach up to touch. I have a little play on each before going onto the slide again. It is a blue sort of swirly tunnel kind of slide. It's pretty long as you have to take the ladder and the bridge to get to it. As I come out the end of the tunnel, I see that there's only one other person in the playground with me. Jeez, I didn't even notice that everyone left. Except Jordan.

He stands next to the net swing, smiling at me. I don't know if he's been watching me this whole time but judging by his expression, he has.

"Hey Avery. Everyone else left. I decided to stay with you" he says, moving closer to me.

"Oh, sorry" I say. How long has he waited for me?

"No, it's ok. It was nice to see you have so much fun" he says with a grin. Now, he stands directly in front of me, at a comfortable distance away. His expression changes and he doesn't smile and I don't know what it is but I see that he might be...nervous? What? Jordan was never nervous. He was always kind and confident towards me.

"Um, I need to tell you something" he says slowly. He even said 'um'! That's my line, not his! He seems on pretty edge so this must be pretty serious.

"So, there's something about me that you should know" he says. What is it? It can't be that bad, surely!

"And the others as well, the boys and Aubrey" he says. What does Aubrey have to do with it?

"There's another part of the world that has been kept a secret from you and all the other humans" he says. Wait humans? So is he not human? What is going on.

"Ok, this might sound extremely strange, but, I'm part of the supernatural world. I'm a werewolf" he says, looking right into my eyes.

Yay finally!! I told you there was some good stuff coming up! :)

I'm so sorry holidays have just started and I had a sport tournament over the whole Easter weekend and I played for around 12 hours each day and I was really tired so yeah. Happy Late Easter anyway though and hopefully I will update soon  :)

Also, I've changed Tyler's cast person to Josh Bowman. Sorry for all the cast changes but you can imagine the characters as whoever you want, it's just how I picture them :)

And also, I've properly published chapter 10 thank you @LevySenpia and @beautifulwords958 for asking about it, I had no idea that it was only published as a draft :)


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