*Ella's POV*
"Niall, when do you guys go to Australia?" I asked him sitting on the sofa on the tour bus.
Right now the boys are on tour and Niall said I had to come along, they are in America at the moment.
I have been missing my family and I haven't seen them in quite some time and I know Emily and Molly haven't seen their's also.
"In a month, why?"
"Well I have been thinking about going back home to see mum."
"In a few months right?"
"Before that Niall, I wanna go see them then I will join you and the boys back on tour when you guys get to Brisbane."
"Ella what if Blake comes again."
"Blake is in prison Niall it will be fine, plus my mum hasn't seen me since the last incident a few months back."
"Promise me you will call me every day and message me when you can."
"Yes Niall I promise."
"Okay well you can take the jet back home."
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed jumping up and done with excitement.
"It's okay Ella really it's nothing." Niall said placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"PDA!" Louis exclaimed walking through the door.
"Nice to see you too." I chuckled sitting back done the sofa with Niall.
"So when do you want to go?" Niall asked wrapping his arm around me.
"Okay well I'll get Simon to call for the jet." Niall said getting off the sofa dialing Simon's number.
"Where are you going?" Louis said taking a seat next to me.
"Back home, I miss my family so I'm going to stay with them until you guys get to Brisbane on your tour."
"But Ella the bus won't be as clean." Louis sighed.
"I'm sure Emily or Molly will clean it." I chuckled patting his back.
"They aren't coming with you?"
"Emily saw her family not to long ago and same with Molly so I don't know."
Louis nodded and showed a weak smile. I pulled him in for an embrace, he smelled like strawberries which is good I guess.
Niall walks in the living room, his thumbs moving quickly against hi phone, texting I presume.
"What did Simon say?"
Niall's eyes drew away from the little screen looking up at Louis and I.
"Oh yeah, he said you will leave tonight." Niall said taking a seat on the other side of me.
"Well I better pack." I said getting off my warm spot on the sofa walking to the back of the bus to my bunk.
I pulled out my bright blue suitcase from under my bed and placed it on top of the bed.
I put my pyjamas and my toiletries into my suitcase considering all my clothes were already packed in my suitcase.

Had To Be You||N.H
FanfictionNiall Horan, we all know and love the Irish man. But he only has one true love and that is Ella Rose, He meets Ella through a competition that Ella won to meet with the boy's. Ella and Niall get a long really well, Ella's so called "boyfriend" Blak...