Chapter 11-The Silence

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*Ella's POV*

"Niall...I." Before I could say another word his lips were crashed on to mine.

Our mouths moved in sync and it gave me fireworks in my stomach. I snaked my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I pull away and rest my forehead on his.

"Niall what was...."

"Shh baby, it was only the begging." He whispered, he placed on last peck on my lips and walked inside.

Niall Horan just kissed me. But why? I mean it is Niall Horan and I'm just a girl from Australia, nothing special about that right?  It was amazing I will admit and his lips tasted like cherries, and leaving me wanting more. 

I go inside quickly following Niall's footsteps as he goes up stairs, he runs down the hallway  and into his bedroom.

"Niall wait!"

Niall slammed his door shut, I sighed and walked back to my room.

Two weeks later

Niall has ignored me for two weeks straight ever since he kissed me he has pushed me out. But why?

He was sitting in his music room I presume because I hear him playing guitar.

I walked down the dark hallway to the little door on the right next to his bedroom. I knocked on it a couple of times, I hear the guitar stop and footsteps coming closer to the door.

"Who is it?" Niall shouts.

"Ella." I said

I hear the door knob turn as the door squeaked open I see Niall. His hair was all messy and his eyes were a soft general blue. He had washed blue jeans and a black V neck shirt.

"What?" He groaned.

"Niall I just want to know why you have been ignoring me."

"I have needed to work stuff out." He said leaning on the door frame.

"Like what?"

"My feelings Ella, my problems and other shit you won't understand."

"I would if you tell me."

"But I am scared."

"Of what?"

"Come in." Niall said moving out of the way.

I took a step into the room, there was paper scattered everywhere. He had a piano, bass, an electric and acoustic guitar and a recording booth.
The walls were painted white and a single window with a seat in front of it.


"Yeah it's pretty amazing huh."

I nodded and picked up the papers, I turned them over and my eyes went up and down reading the pages.

"Those are song lyrics."

"Could you sing one?"

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