Chapter 3-Off To Brisbane

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*Ella's POV*

"I AM HOME!" I shouted through out the house, no reply they must of taken husky for a walk.

I walk into the living room pulling out my phone from my back pocket, I hold my thumb down on the home button to unlock it, I clicked on Snap Chat and saw one from Blake.

Blake is well my boyfriend if you could say. We do all the things couple's do just haven't put the label on it yet. I click on the little square and open the video.


He slurred and then before I knew it the snap was over. I chuckled a little at his snap and locked my phone.

I walked into the kitchen walking towards the cupboard, I scan it for nutella.

Fuck sake the boys ate it all, I let out a sigh and walked up the stairs dragging my feet.

I eventually got to my room and flopped onto the bed, I looked up at the white pale roof with my mind in over drive.

My phone rings disturbing me from my thoughts, I read the Caller ID, Blake...


"Hey Ella I what to ask you something."


"Okay Ella , I love you and I think I have ever since we meet at Starbucks a few years back, I can't stand just being your fuck buddy or what ever we call what we are but. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"What? Blake I just.."

"Ella please I love you think about it okay?"

"Okay. Bye"

What if I actually like Blake? I mean he is a good guy but I just never thought we would end up together, I mean come on t is Blake.

He sleeps around with every girl he can find I mean he actually cant have fallen in love right? Not in a million years he would fall in love, but I can't date him. No I just can't or can I ?

I shake the thoughts of my head and here the front door opening.
"Hello? Ella are you home?" My mother shouted.

"YEAH IN MY ROOM!" I exclaimed.

I hear foot steps running up the stairs walking towards my door, the door Knob was twisted to open to revel my mother. A smile came upon my face as she took steps closer to me.

"You didn't tell me you won the radio contest!" She exclaimed.

"Well I was going to tell you but you weren't home, how did you find out anyways?"

"There is a thing called a news paper for a reason and a mailbox with the tickets inside an envelope." She said sarcastically.

I chuckled lightly as my my put the envelope on the end of my bed, I reach my arm forward and pick it up, only one week until the best night ever I sighed.

*Niall's POV*

We were walking into Sydney airport but obviously getting bombarded with the paparazzi. They were screaming questions and demanding answers.

"Niall! Are you seeing anyone?"

"Harry! Have you finally setteld down?"

"Zayn! Is it true that you and Perrie may split up."

I looked at Zayn and see he has already lost it. He walks over to the man who said that and grabbed him by the shirt.

"No, It is not true now go away before I hit you." Zayn says glaring into the mans eyes.

The man nodded and walked away Zayn pushed passed us and walked in stamping his feet. I sighed and walked in, this is going to be a long flight.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I know it is short but o well :) anyways love you all xoxo
Izzy and Phoenixx
P.S: vote, comment and share the book around would mean a lot

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