*Blake's POV*After Matthew left about an hour ago I sat myself down on the sofa watching the news.
Ella has been here for almost 2 weeks now and I have been thinking of getting rid of her for once and all.
But no Lucy thinks we should keep her here.
Lucy is at the concert at the moment trying "to get back" with Niall.
But seriously after what I've seen Niall is head over heels for Ella.
I got off the sofa and walked down the steps towards the basement, I turned the door knob pushing the door open.
I turn on the light and notice Ella isn't here, how did she escape with put me seeing?
I walked into the room seeing some make up and clothes on the floor.
Matthew never went out with a girl named Cleo, he was taking Ella out of my possession.
My blood began to boil, how could my best friend do that to me?
I thought he would be there for me through everything.
I ran back up the stairs and walked down the hallway to the sofa picking up my phone.
I scrolled through my contacts clicking on Matthews name.
I pressed the call button and waited a few rings till that douche picked up.
"Where the fuck is Ella?" I snarled.
"Hello to you to." He chuckled.
"Matthew where is she?" I shouted.
"Some where you will never find her, do you honestly think that girl would crawl back to you after what you have done to the poor girl?" He exclaimed
"Because if I was her I wouldn't, I actually helped her and saved her from such an obsessive and aggressive young man you have become. I don't even know who you are any more. " Matthew said in the phone.
"Your dead meat Matthew Baker and I will find you." I snarled hanging up the phone.
"I failed!" Lucy exclaimed walking into the living room.
"I couldn't even get pass security." She scoffed sitting done placing her hands in her head.
"Yeah well we have bigger problems, Matthew let Ella go." I snarled.
"What?! How!" She screamed throwing her phone on the sofa.
"By a fucking disguise." I said in a huff.
I picked up my gun and car keys and walked towards my car.
First thing on my list.
Kill Matthew Baker.
*Ella's POV*
I was sitting in the VIP section at the boys Brisbane show with Paul.
I'm glad Matthew helped me get away from Blake.
I wouldn't ever go back to Blake not after what he has done to me, not after the way he treated me and my family.
I will admit in the past I had a thing for Blake and that's what was in the box I kept from Niall, photographs of Blake and I.
I never thought I would take those photos with me but some how I did, when we get home I will probably burn that box.
I was swaying my head to the boys song little things as they were preforming, yeah it is an old one but a good one.

Had To Be You||N.H
FanfictionNiall Horan, we all know and love the Irish man. But he only has one true love and that is Ella Rose, He meets Ella through a competition that Ella won to meet with the boy's. Ella and Niall get a long really well, Ella's so called "boyfriend" Blak...