*Niall's POV*
Ella's small body laid on the bed as soft snores escaped her lips. The sun was beefing through our hotel room windows as my eyes studied her features as my mind ran wild.
I can't have a baby, I will never be home, I will be out partying and doing my job. I can't leave Ella all alone with the baby that would just be cruel.
I let out a sigh as Ella scooted her body closer to mine. She rested her head on my chest as her eyes just opened dropping every now and then.
"Ella wake up." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.
Ella groaned in return meaning she will get up.
I got out of the warm bed and walked towards my suitcase and pulled in my black skinny jeans and white t shirt.
"Ella come on we have to go." I said pulling the zipper up on my jeans.
Ella rolled her body and looked at me with utter confusion in her face. Her long blonde hair was all messy and spread out in the pillow.
Her eyes were squinting as her arms and legs did a stretch before she finally got up.
"Do we have to go?" Ella groaned.
"Yes babe." I said looking for my phone.
Ella got into her light blue skinny jeans a white flowing shirt, she pulled her hair up into a pony tail, I small smile formed on her lips as she noticed my eyes locked with her own.
"What time do we have to be there?" Ella asked picking up her phone.
"In 20 minutes so we gotta go." I said walking towards the door.
I turned the door knob and walked down the hallway with Ella's hand laced with mine.
We get into the elevator and press the L button. The elevators calming music filled my ears as it moved down slowly.
The elevator dinged and the silver doors opened for us to exit. The lobby was buzzing with people checking in and checking out and the staff members running around the place.
Ella and I walked towards the large gold double doors and into the cold winter air. I open the car door and mumbled a thank you to the driver.
I sat down next to Ella as the car began to move.
I'm actually pretty scared of what will happen. I can't lose Ella now that she is pregnant, I actually can't lose her at all. She is my rock and she keeps me grounded.
Simon could always fire him or give him a warning but it still won't change what he did to Ella.
The car came to a complete stop, I looked outside seeing the large building next to us. I said thank you to the driver as Ella and I got out, the driver drove off back into the busy street as Ella and I laced hands once again walking towards the front doors.
"Mr Horan and Miss Rose, Simon is waiting for you up in his office." The front desk lady said as we walked in.
I quickly nodded and walked to the elevator, I pressed the button with the S and the elevator began to move up.
"What happens if I go back?" Ella said looking down.
"I'll go with you." I said.
"No buts Ella." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.
The elevator came to a stop and we stepped out, we walked down the hallway being greeted by the employees. We got to the end of the hallway and pushed the large wooden doors open.
Once we walked in we saw Simon and James talking, Simon looked at me motet stoking me to come in. I have Ella's hand a light squeeze as we walked toward his desk.
"Ella, Niall great if you to join us." Simon said.
I nodded in return and sat down in the two seater sofa as Ella sat down next to me.
"Ella, I have no problem with you on the tour, you keep Niall happy but I understand yours and James bad past." Simon said.
"Yes, we weren't really conceited like every other farther daughter relationship." Ella said.
"So apparently James has been threatening you to go back home?" Simon asked Ella.
"Yes he has been."
"Why haven't you told me this?" Soon asked her.
"Well I didn't think it would get as bad." Ella shrugged.
"But unfortunately it did, I thought he changed but he didn't. I'm sorry but u can't stand being with James." Ella said.
"Understandable, now James is what Ella saying all true?" Simon asked him.
"Yes." James sighed.
"Well I can't have you doing that especially to Niall's fiancé, I'll have to remove you from the tour and send you to another band." Simon said.
"Understandable sir." James said.
"Alright I need to talk to James so you both may go." Simon said with a small smile.
That's the first time I've seen that man smile...
"Thank you." Ella said as we both stood up and walked out of his office.
Ella let out a sigh of relief a see got into the elevator.
"We did it babe!" I exclaimed picking her up spinning her around.
Ella's giggles filled the small little box as I placed her down. Her bright green eyes locked with mine as my lips crashed with her own.
"Forever?" I said breaking our kiss.
"Forever." She said placing her lips back onto mine.
We did it, nothing can stop us now, we are Ella and Niall for goodness sake! Nothing will make anything worse now.
Okay sorry it's short! But it was only a filler! Now it is all gonna speed up We are really really sorry! Love you all
Izzy and Phoenix

Had To Be You||N.H
FanfictionNiall Horan, we all know and love the Irish man. But he only has one true love and that is Ella Rose, He meets Ella through a competition that Ella won to meet with the boy's. Ella and Niall get a long really well, Ella's so called "boyfriend" Blak...