Part 2

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He was zooming around crazily not knowing where to find her... He was getting impatient to see her... Thinking how she might be now, where the hell that bustard take and leave her in which state...

He check every possible place that they might go as she had told her everywhere they go together... Somehow he feels tonight, he wouldn't take her any place she knows before so it would be not easy to him to find her soon...

From the time he got her father call that too worried for her daughter, he knows that bustard must have got hold of wht he was here first place...

His father beg him to find her daughter and bring her back to them as they don't have anything other then her in their life that is so much important... Now there was no need of those money and business he had been trying to hold from years in front of his one and only daughter...

The guy stop his bike and came down from it looking here and there in the dark road...

He was so much helpless not knowing where to find her... He had been roaming around the city from the last 3hrs and still he didn't get any whereabouts of her except that call from that bustard...

His blood was boiling when he remember wht he said and when the picture came in front of his eyes...

He feels his head was spinning and holding it he sat on the ground calling her name loud knowing she wouldn't hear him...'Baskettt...'

Tears falling from his bluish eyes while he still hold his head in his hands...

He was sitting on the ground on his knee not knowing where to find her... For the first time in his life, when she needs him the most he wasn't with him... He was feeling so much guilty thinking he couldn't save her from that cruel man...

He was lost in his thought when he felt his mobile vibrating on his pocket...

He took it out to see the name flashing on it and not wasting anymore second he put it near to his ears saying, 'Basket...'

On the other side...

Girl was laying on the floor unconscious... It seems it was hrs she was like that without no one around there to help her...

Slowly she was gaining conscious and looking around she remember the dreadful moment she face a few minutes ago... Moist her eyes she search to see if she could find her purse so that she could inform someone where she is...

Pain was in her body, but knowing she had to get out of the place she try to sit but she fails...

It took some moments her to tolerate the pain which was she getting in her body... She saw her purse laying on the floor a few feet away from where she was laying...

She slowly move towards and took the purse... Taking the mobile she saw 100calls from her mom dad and her best friend... She didn't get the courage to call her parents so she thought it would be the best to inform her best friend...

She dials his number while hugging her knee and still tears wasn't stopping coming from her green eyes...

After two rings, he answer the call whispering her name... 'Basket...'

Hearing him saying her name after a long time as she had stop talking to him becox of her so called boy friend...

Remembering him, she brush out crying loudly...


Guy was taking the girl out from the place...

She was hugging him as if she leaves, he might disappear leaving her alone in this cruel world...

Everything Happen For A Reason - An AR SS - Completed!!!Where stories live. Discover now