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Jin Hee's P.O.V:

It was all my fault..

If only I didn't stop to pick up my pencil from the floor...

I was the one who made Minwoo get hurt in my place. Actually I was always hurting him, ever since we met. Ever since I lied about my identity-no, ever since we fell in love.

Please let him be safe. I pray silently with my head buried in my knees, siting on one of the chairs outside the operating room of the hospital.

"Jin Hee-ah!" I look up to the sound of the voice to see Mrs. Lee and Siwon approaching me. How am I supposed to face them after what I've done to him? I stand up from my seat and bow 90 degrees.

"Mrs. Lee. I am terribly sorry about what I did to Minwoo. It was all my fault." Tears begin to prick my eyes and tumble down my cheeks. A pair of warm hands pull my shoulders up, making me stand up properly. Mrs. Lee shakes her head at me with bloodshot eyes.

She looks at me softly in the eyes saying, "Honey, it was nobody's fault. It was simply an accident. Stop blaming yourself for something you didn't do." She leans over and pulls me into a warm hug, which makes the tears that I held in sprinkle out of my eyes again.

"Minwoo's going to be okay, don't worry." Siwon pats my shoulder from the side. "Doctor! How is he?" As soon as I hear Siwon mention the word doctor, Mrs. Lee and I let go of each other to pay attention to the doctor walking out of the operating room along with nurses pushing a bed with an unconscious Minwoo laying on it. The blanket is covering his entire body-even his face.

"Minwoo!" I cry, reaching my arms out to grab on to the railing of the hospital bed. What's going on?? He's not....dead is he? Just as I'm about interrupt Siwon's and the doctor's conversation, reporters run up to us with their flashing cameras and microphones. With that, Siwon drags me away from the large crowd by my wrist, but I stop in my tracks to listen to the reporter's questions.

"How is Lee Minwoo-sshi's condition?"

"Why is his face covered?"

But why isn't the doctor answering anything? My knees go weak and I drop to the floor just thinking about the worst situation that could happen.

I can't lose him... I already lost my parents....not him...


"Jin Hee noona! Are you okay?" A blurry image of Siwon crouching down next to me appears in my line of vision from the tears in my eyes. I suddenly come to my senses and notice that the whole crowd is gone. I lay a hand on Siwon's arm as I quickly search the hospital with my eyes.

"Where'd they take Minwoo? Siwon, what happened to him? Did the doctor tell you anything?" I ask in the verge of tears. He averts his gaze from me with the look of guilt plastered on his face.


In the hospital room Minwoo is admitted in, I take a seat on a stool next to the bed, looking through my phone. . I somehow fumble upon an album full of selcas taken by Minwoo and I, bringing back a weird joyous feeling to my heart.

I decide take a look at my text messages to see what I missed when my phone went dead to stop myself from thinking about our past.

"I love you?"

I read out a message from Minwoo.

He-he couldn't have possibly meant that...It was obviously a typo. I can feel my cheeks heating up as I picture him texting that to me. But what if that was the last message he was trying to send to me? Will I ever hear that coming out of his mouth again??

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