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Jin hee's P.O.V:

"DAD!" I ran to my bloody dad, lying unconscious in the living room in our old house. With shaking hands, I turned him over and put a finger under his nose to check if he was breathing. A cold hand touched my shaking hands.

"Jin as far as you can away from here...please." My dad whispered. Tears sprang to my eyes and I started to cry hysterically.

"I can't leave you so don't you dare leave me!" I held on to his hand tightly and wiped away my tears, trying not to look at the bloody patch on his chest caused by a bullet. I was walking home from elementary school when I heard a loud gun shot from my house.

"Please don't leave me like how mom did. Please. I'm begging you." Tears spilled out constantly. He gave me a small smile and closed his eyes. I knew what had happened and closed my eyes too.

I wanted to go with him.


Aish. Why do I keep thinking of that day? Oh god. Now the plants are dying.

"Why must you die. Why?! Do you not like me? Fine. Go rot in hell." I mutter to myself as I water my dead tulips out in the balcony. I must sound like some crazy teenager, yelling at plants alone in an apartment. After watering the stupid plants even though they're dead, I use my trusty first-aid kit from the bathroom cupboard to mend my cuts and bruises.

What's the point of high school when it's basically jail? Well, for me anyway. I go there, get bullied and beat up, and my depression gets worse.

Hmm..should I skip tomorrow?

I already get last place out of the whole school anyway, so there's no point in trying to get higher marks. I slump down into the couch in the living room after taking care of my injuries. All over my apartment, everything is red and black.

Like checkers. I used to think. Now everything just resembles death. Not fricking checkers.

Well, this is my dark life as a brainless and tortured orphan. I lie down with a pillow under head and close my eyes, trying to think of at least one happy moment. In the complete silence, the clock on the wall ticks.

One minute...two minutes pass...

I can't think of anything.

I go in my room to look for some old family pictures from about five years ago, before my parents left me. After doing some searching, I take a seat on my bed and flip the fragile album pages, careful not to make any marks. I smile to myself at the good memories, something I haven't done in a while.

After a while, anger raises in me. It boils so much to the point where it hurts. Why do I have to live through all the pain that is still in me when there is no meaning to life? I let out a loud shriek, not caring about the neighbours that will probably gossip about me.

That felt good. I put down the photo album and run out to the balcony. Peering over the edge, seven floors down, the summer breeze swirls around me.

A few moments later, I find myself standing on the edge with my black slippers on at 11:55pm. It's about time this event happened.

"Finally. I can finally go." I whisper to myself. Closing my eyes, I slowly, ever so slowly let go of the railing behind me.

"Excuse-me? Do you mind if I use your watering can?" A guy's voice says behind me.

What the hell? I turn my head around. Even though the lights aren't turned on and it's almost completely dark, I see a handsome guy with soft physical features in my balcony. How did he get here?

"H-how did you get in my apartment?" I ask without getting off the edge. This is one crazy but good looking man.

"Oh sorry to disturb you at midnight. I climbed in here from my apartment next door." He points to the right. Ah, that's how he did it. Crazy man. He clears his throat.

"I just came to visit my friend next door and I saw these flowers that were dried out so..I was wondering if I could borrow your watering can. You see, I saw you using it a while ago.." He says shyly.

"Sure...go ahead and take it." I reply. He stares at me for a bit and joins me on the edge of the balcony.

"I have no idea why you're doing this, but it seems relaxing. Wow! Seoul is so beautiful. I just came back from L.A after two years and I really miss this beautiful city at night."

"So you're seriously going to stand on the edge of a balcony with me? It's pretty dangerous you know." I roll my eyes in the dark.

"Yes I know, but the view is so beautiful here. I'm actually scared of heights like most people, but seeing you here makes me want to face my fear. What's your fear?"

"I have no fear." I say, closing my eyes again, preparing myself for my death.

"Lucky! I wish I was as brave as you. Ever since this fatal accident that happened as a child, I was tramatized by my fear of heights. My dad died from falling off an airplane. I nearly fell off but somehow survived. Haha what a weird story, isn't?" He chuckles. My heart softened for him. In my eyes, he seemed like some crazy idiot. Maybe not.

"You know what my other fear is? Death. Life is so beautiful in so many ways, so why waste it from death? Which is why I refused to believe my father had passed away. He is still here. Somewhere. Do you know what I mean?" He says.

Life is so beautiful in so many ways.

"Oh my! Look at the time! It's almost 12:30am. I better go. Hope to see you around!" He climbs off the edge and climbs across the balcony back into his apartment. I also climb over the edge and get back in my apartment.

I clutch my chest and take a seat on the nearest chair.

Woah...why is my heart beating so fast?! I still can't believe this stranger saved my life! Either he knew what I was doing, or he was just stupid. I smile to myself, thinking of his words that echo in my head.

Life is so beautiful in so many ways.

Is this what they call love at first sight? Or should I say love at first hearing? Oh god what am I thinking?? I mess up my hair in frustration. Now I'm thinking of cheesy things. Aish.

Maybe I shouldn't skip school tomorrow...

A/N-Hi! Wow I never thought I would write such a dark story XD Thanks for reading!! <3

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