Chapter 18

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Two Years Later

Jace POV

It's been two years and no one has heard a word from Clary. Everyone thinks she's dead, but I'm still hoping for the best.

Right after she ran away that guy she used to date, Mark, basically attacked Aline. He started yelling about how she knew where Clary was and how if she didn't tell him he'd release some video. When Aline pretty much broke down and said she had no idea where Clary went, Mark stormed out. We haven't seen much of him since.

A lot has changed in the past two years. Aline started dating Helen Blackthorn, Mark's cousin (I know they're brother and sister in the books.). Cecily and Gabriel are still dating and Tessa and Jem officially started dating maybe two months after Clary left. Alec and Magnus finally came out to our parents and, well, Alec finally told us there was a Magnus. Very few people knew about him. One of those people was Clary.

No one's even looking for her anymore. She turned eighteen a month ago, so they all say there's no point in looking. It became clear that she ran away to the cops a few days after it happened. Some of her clothes were gone, her phone was dumped at a rest stop near the state borders, and she had sent a text to everyone she knew, including her mom's part of the family, stating bluntly 'Don't bother looking for me'. We, of course, did try looking for her.

Another strange thing happened a month ago. I got a text from an unknown number a few days after people officially stopped looking. The conversation looked a little like this:

Unknown: Hi Jace. Wanna chat?

Jace: Who is this and how did you get my number?

Unknown: Oh, I just picked it up somewhere.

Jace: You still haven't told me who you are.

Unknown: Where's the fun in that?

I was about to block them, but then they sent this.

Unknown: And before you decide to block me, you may wanna hear me out.

Jace: And why is that?

Unknown: Because I know what happened to an old friend of yours.

Jace: Who are you? How do you know about Clary?

Unknown: You get to figure that out for yourself.

Unknown: Text you tomorrow Jace.

I've gotten a few texts here and there from them, but nothing major. They've been getting a little more active, though, the past week, sending me clues about who they are. They're always in a riddle/expression form too. This is the most recent one.

Unknown: You can fix the cracks in a vase, but the scars are still there.

They make almost no sense to me.

Either way, I still have to go to school. It's about half a month into senior year so at least I'll be done with this place soon.

"Isabelle! Alec! If you two want a ride we need to go now!" I call impatiently as I swing my keys around my finger.

I hear a set of footsteps rushing down the stairs. Isabelle shows up at the bottom, her hair pulled into a messy side braid and wearing a dark red leather jacket over a black v-neck and ripped jeans. Let's just say, she took Clary running hardest out of everyone except me. She really started changing after that. She started wearing darker clothes and getting more of an attitude. I even caught her smoking a couple months ago. Isabelle Sophia Lightwood never even thought about smoking before.

"Alec left ten minutes ago. Magnus picked him up. Let's get going, though," she says as she shoulders her backpack. We head out and into the new Chevy Malibu my parents got me. Much to my dismay, Isabelle hooks her Spotify up before I can.

She sticks her tounge out and starts playing Here by Alessia Cara. At least it's not Hotline Bling.

I'm halfway to school when I get another text from Mr or Ms Unknown.

Unknown: Off to another day in hell, I assume.

I shake my head slightly and drop the phone into a cup holder. Before it shuts off, Iz grabs it and looks at the screen.

"Who the frick is texting you?" she asks as she reads the texts.

"No idea. Why don't you put it down now," I say slightly irritated. Isabelle continues to scrim through.

"Why do you keep asking him about Clary?"

"Why do you keep reading my texts?"

"Seriously, Jace."

I sigh, giving in. "Fine. They started texting me a little less than a month ago. They said they have information about Clary but that I have to figure out who they are first."

"Just give it to mom. She can trace the number," Isabelle suggests.

"I already tried. Whoever sent it is a smart bastard and is using a burner phone. Without the GPS turned on, the number is untraceable."

"That's messed up. You should just block the number."

"I can't! Not if they know something about what happened to Clary!"

"That's the thing Jace! You've been listening to this person's shit for over a month! If they knew something about Clary, which I seriously doubt, don't you think they would have said something by now!? You need to block this person because you're playing right into their little game and latching onto false hope! Is been two years Jace. Don't you think if Clary was coming back she'd be back by now!?" She looks at me with tears rimming her eyes. "And don't think I'm just being an emotional bitch because I want Clary back so much. She was my best friend and I miss her more than life. But she left. She got on her motorcycle and drove away without any of us knowing. Eventually we all have to face reality and accept that if she hasn't come back in two years, it's because she's either dead or made a new life for herself with new people and is finally happy! Eventually we all need to do that."

I stare at Isabelle in shock as I park the car in the school lot. Never in my life had Isabelle said anything like that, especially if Clary was concerned.

Before I can say anything she rushes out of the car. I shake my head again and start to get my stuff together when I get another text.

Unknown: I honestly feel sorry for you. Bet you can't wait to get out of that hellhole.

I get a little annoyed as I respond.

Jace: Who the fuck even are you!?

Unknown: You seriously haven't figured it out yet? You're slower than I remember you being.

Jace: Will you stop sending me these ridiculous texts and just tell me who you are.

Unknown: Don't worry Jace. You'll figure that out soon enough.

Unknown: I can't wait until I'm able to see you again.

Those words.

They seem so familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it but...

Oh god.

I know exactly who I'm talking to.

Clary POV

The bitch is back kiddos.

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