Thank You

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As any of you who have read this far know, I posted an author's note in this story called 'What to do when you're Contemplating Suicide'. I was honestly in such a different state when I wrote that that I completely forgot about it until five minutes ago when someone commented on it.

And, after I clicked on the notification, I started reading through the comments.

And now I wanna say thank you to each and every one of this people for their support. There was not one person criticizing me for it or telling me I had no good reason to cut like I've heard so many times. I was honestly so moved that so many people I don't really know care about me and I legit started crying. And since you all got me through that time, I feel you deserve to know my current status.

I'm still majorly depressed, but I'm three months clean of cutting--which is a big deal seeing as cutting became a source of pleasure for me. There are still days where I consider ending it all, but not nearly as many as a year ago. I still cry for no apparent reason and feel void most of my days, but now that I'm in a bigger school that people I actually feel comfortable with go to it's getting better.

You were my support through the journey to here.

And I can't thank any of you enough.


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