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Hey guys I know I've been away for awhile, but I'm back I hope you like this chapter. It took me sometime to get this together please comment and vote, cause they mean a lot. I'm gonna try to update more often. Enjoy

Lyric Pov

I can't believe he brought me this. It was a new wedding ring; rose gold, neatly cut, halo shaped, perfect. Trey got down on one knee and grab my left hand.

"Baby I love you so much. We've been threw a lot in these past few years, few days I should say. You have done nothing but support me with every decision I make, even though you don't agree with them, you support, love, care, and make me the happiest man in the world. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me all over again?"


Trey Pov

We pick up the twins up from daycare and they seem to have had a lot of fun. So much fun Aria couldn't stop talking. I was driving down the street towards our house.

"And then momma we color."

"That seems like a lot. Did you miss me or were you having to much fun?"

"I did momma." Tj said, making Lyric smile. I grab her hand off her thigh, rub her knuckles, and bringing them to my lips and kissing them. To answer your question your thinking about; Yes she said YES to my proposal. I pull into the driveway, unlocked the car and got out. We got the kids out the car. Lyric unlocked the door. The twins ran off to their rooms I guess. Lyric put Aldon in his play pin.

"Babe the Military Ball is tonight and I wanna go." Lyric said sitting on my lap.

"Whose gonna watch the kids?"

"Chris he only lives down the street and he has Royalty this week so at least Ari has her to play with."

"No!" I said pushing get off my lap. Walking to the fridge.


"I don't want Ty getting any ideas that he can flirt with you."

"Your acting like we're going on a date."

"I don't care. Your not going."


Lyric Pov

I don't care what Trey says I'm going to the ball. I've never missed one since I've been in the service and I'm not missing one now, because my paranoid, overly protective husband wants to prevent me from going.

I called Stephanie and ask her does she want to go with me to go dress shopping for tonight. I was waiting in the car for her late ass. It's been an hour since I've been here.

"LYRIC!!" I heard being shouted, with banging on my window.

"Bitch don't bang on my window like that. You know I'm packin." I said getting out the car. She smile and gave me a hug.

"I miss you so much."

"I've missed you too. I hope being in Europe for months and not coming to see your nephew be born was worth it."

"I know I know I'm a bad auntie. Can I see a picture of him." I pull out my wallet and showed her a picture.

"He's precise Ly. He has your eyes. With Trey's big ass forehead." I giggled.

"Girl shut up."


We walk into this store called Beauty (not real) I just can't find a dress to fit my fat ass.

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