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Hey guys, I know I've been away for a while so I made this chapter longer since people been asking for it. Comment as you read or comment at the end your thoughts. Thanks enjoy.

Trey pov

My mom and Claude have been out there for awhile and I'm starting to get worried. What could they be possibly be talking about? I'm trying to stay calm for the sake of my kids, but I'm gonna go crazy in a minute if he hurting my momma. Everyone's mood changed once he step in this house. No one wanted to finish dinner, the kids got sleepy, and now we're all just cleaning up. I walk up the steps toward my room. I open the door hearing Lyric sing twinkle twinkle little star to the twins on her side with Aldon in her arms. No matter how pist I am right my family makes me happy.

"Daddy is the strange man gone?" Tj said

"No not yet buddy. It's time for you and Ari to go to bed"

"I'm not tired Daddy. How come butt head don't get to go to bed?" Aria said

"Don't call your brother that. He's a baby so he goes to sleep on his own time."

"I'm a baby too." She said standing on the bed walking to me. She jump into my arms.

"Come on bed time. Tj lets go. Kiss mommy and your brother." They kiss Lyric and said good night.

Lyric pov

I held onto Aldon as he cling onto my fingers. He's such a cute, good baby. Trey came back into the room. I can tell his upset about his dad, but maybe he is trying reconcile with his son. I'm afraid to tell Trey that but, I'm gonna do it anyway. He took his shirt off and laid in the bed. He grab Aldon from me.

"So how you feel about your dad coming back?"

"How do you think I feel about it?" He said with an attitude.

"What's the attitude for? I didn't do anything to you." I said giving him attitude back.

"I just don't want him here. He's been here to long anyway. What could he possibly be talking about with Momma?"

"I don't know, but what if he is telling the truth. Maybe he does what to get to know you."

"Whose side are you on?" He said semi-yelling

"I'm on yours always. I'm just saying what if."

"That's a huge if. I wouldn't even let him in my life, nor you or our kids. Did you forget he shot me? What if this was your father?"

"No I didn't Tremaine. Alan is a whole different situation; that means nothing to what we're talking about right now. So don't throw your anger towards me, because I've done nothing, but support you since your father showed up back in your life." I said as calm as I could without scaring Aldon. I grab him from Trey and started to walk towards the door.

"So your walking away now?" He said

"I'm not walking away. I'm leaving this conversation before either one of us says something we'll regret."

April pov

"I need a heart transplant." Claude said

"Claude you need to go." I said walking pass him, but he pull me back by my wrist.

"So your not gonna talk to me. April please just help me, remember we use to be in love."

"Key words use to be, I'm not helping you. You left me remember and your son on your own."

"April please just help me. I'll do anything."

"Get off my property and don't come back here. You stay away from me, my family, and Tremaine and his family."

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