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Having a bad day.
You mean having a bad week?
A bad month ?
A bad year ?
Having people constantly ask you.
What's wrong ?
Are you okay ?
But they never really care.
Asking questions never really waiting for the answer you have to give.
Feeling nothing and everything at the same time and not even knowing if that was possible.
Never wanting to leave your bed but knowing you have to because you have to hide this.
The days when it gets to much are the days I pretend to be sick and I stay home and sleep.
Sleep for 15 hours not even getting up to get a drink.
Not eating for days because you can't move.
Parents not understanding.
They think it's just "lazy"
But when you try to explain words can't seem to leave your mouth.
Everything is weighing you down.
Like you have rocks in your pockets and you're trying to swim.

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