Kiss me. Or kill me.
Kiss me
Tell me you'll never leave me.
Leave your love in my heart and make me happy.
Promise me you'll never leave.
Love me in my darkness, and love me in my light.
Or kill me
Stab me in the heart, make me bleed out.
That's better than you leaving me while I'm alive and make me suffer in the darkness of depression.
Don't leave me in the darkness of my room to hold the knife in my hands.
I'd rather you kill me than have to suffer and kill myself, it would be easier that way.
Don't make me suffer too long, I'd rather die in a pool of my own blood in the matter of minutes, then wait 4 months to drown in my tears.
Poems. My storys into words.
PoetryMy poems. I'm not a professional, pretty far from it, these are really just my thoughts put into words.