Journey for the Gem- Chapter 2

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Ruby was in the middle of screaming at some guy who had tried to get her in trouble when the alarm on her watch started buzzing like crazy. “You have a message! A message! You’ve got a message! Press the left and right button on your watch for message from: ONYX OSIRIS,” her watch chimed, though Ruby had not set it to do that.

“PRESS THE BUTTON ALREADY!” the watch snapped impatiently as Ruby hesitated. Ruby hastened to do so as a picture of an angry blinking face appeared on her watch.

Onyx (whoever that was) appeared on her screen in 3-D figure, kind of like those old spy movies. Maybe she should do a back flip or something to see if Ben 10 or a ninja samurai came out of nowhere…

“You are to meet me at the alleyway of Joe’s burgers, tonight, at eight. Come alone. There will be free burgers, Ruby.” Ruby stared at the screen, confused. Some dude she didn’t even know or had even seen had come onto her watch screen, practically asking her on a date.

All of the people started cracking up, teasing her about some guy calling for her on her watch. The only person who wasn’t laughing was a girl near the front, Ruby, and the screen-Onyx. The girl was turning pale, her brow furrowed, looking like she had seen the dude before.

“Hey, you, get up here,” Ruby said, pointing to the girl. The girl looked up, raising her eyebrows mockingly.

“Your wish is my command,” said the girl sarcastically, all fright running from her face. Ruby stared, just realizing how attractive the girl actually was. She had pretty brown, caramel-colored hair that went down to her waist with streaks of color in them, tan features, and piercing green eyes with a mischievous but innocent-looking sparkle.

The girl crossed her arms, and Ruby realized that her chin had just about dropped away from her face. “I’m Ruby,” she said stupidly, holding out a limp hand. She shook it and said in a musical voice, “I’m Jade, Jade Isis.” Jade nodded toward the watch.

“Onyx is for the people who had dreams. Like us, with gem names and Egyptian god last names. It sounds pretty lame, but I’m going ahead and meeting there,” Jade said, smiling a little at Onyx and nodding. Onyx didn’t look happy with being called a “lame” business, but he looked satisfied enough.

“Again, meet me there. Jade will be there,” Onyx said before he popped off the screen.

                *** OPAL’S THOUGHTS

Opal was being beaten over the head with her own book, since her mother was in one of her moods. They were happening more than often now, since her father had to go on so many unknown business trips.

Then their phone started to beep rapidly, with a voice repeating in an auto-tune, “You have a message from Onyx Osiris, to Opal Nut. Get the phone, Opal. Now, please!”

Her mother walked smartly to the phone, her lipstick-covered lips pressed tightly together. When Anne picked up the phone, she immediately recoiled, holding her burnt hand.

“Message only for Opal Nut, not for the non-RIGHN,” the phone beeped. What the heck was a RIGHN? It sounded sort of like the word shrine…

Opal strode unsurely, apprehension growing in her chest, to the phone and picked it up. It didn’t burn her, and a person popped up onto the phone screen.

“Hi, I’m Onyx,” said the male on her phone. “You will meet me at the alleyway to Joe’s Burgers at eight, alone. Do not bring your non-RIGHN friend, lest you suffer eternally. Come alone, Opal.” Opal watched the phone die, and then turned slowly to face her mother.

The clock in the room said seven thirty, so she would need to ride her bike to get there in time. Opal burst into a run, grabbed her bike, and sprinted out of the house, pulling on a sweatshirt to tie around her waist and just escaping her mother’s clutches. Why did she do that? Opal didn’t know. She hoped this counted as a first date…

                *#1 JASPER’S THOUGHTS

Jasper sat at the back of the classroom in the best desk the school had. He was doodling on a scratch piece of paper a bloody battle that suited him well, (he had a pessimistic view and shallow thoughts, so it was no surprise that he was drawing another battle that had been haunting him for a time) when he realized that everyone was staring at him. Jasper looked up and said, “Huh?” Everyone laughed.

“Nice answer, Horus!” Dunne chuckled, his close-to-best-friend. Jasper managed a small smile. He hated being called Horus, and if anyone but Dunne had said that, he would’ve punched them in the mouth.

Then his keys to the four-wheeler that he drove began to beep. Jasper stared at them, confused.

“You’ve got a message, Jasper Horus! Do not allow non-RIGHNS to use this! Get on your ATV now! This message is from ONYX OSIRIS! Answer now!” his keys beeped.

Jasper ran out before the teacher could stop him. This was a weird thing. As soon as he needed a bail-out, one came.

Some guy popped up onto his GPS screen and said in a weird, computerized voice, “Hey, Jasper. Meet me at the alleyway of Joe’s Burgers. There will be free food and girls there. Please come alone and bring your four-wheeler. Thank you, Jasper; this is Onyx Osiris.” The screen went blank. Without a second thought, Jasper sped off. Hey, girls and free food were a bargain. Plus, the guy looked wimpy enough so that Jasper could pick his pocket. This was going to be a good night if that guy had money.

{A/N: Hey guys! So I logged on ten minutes after I uploaded the 1st chapter, and saw that I had two reads! I did a little happy dance then realized one was my brother. Still, one other living breathing soul was reading my book! Thanks! Please, please recommend this book and comment, vote, like, and fan! *air kisses* love, ridingrl.}

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