Journey for the Gem- Chapter 3

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Jade shivered as she walked the well-worn path to Joe's Burgers. Every step of the way she called herself a new name for wearing her pumps instead of her combat boots.

To make up for that mistake, she had worn ripped jeans, a v-neck fake furry shirt, and a leather jacket from a rock concert.

For a last touch, Jade had dyed red streaks in her hair with some Kool-Aid she had found in the pantry. It made her caramel-colored hair stand out, along with her piercing green eyes. Lost in her thoughts about the pumps, she didn't notice Onyx seemingly rise out of the ground.

Jade slammed into him and sprawled on the ground, cursing herself for being so clumsy. Onyx blinked and his eyes seemed to clear.

"Hey, I'm so sorry!" he yelped, pulling Jade up with a grip so strong that she wriggled her fingers to see if they still worked.

"Um, I didn't see you," Jade said lamely, seeing three other people with the same green eyes as her gathered around the table that Onyx was leading her to.

"This is Opal Nut," he introduced a petite blonde girl with a flimsy sort of aura, almost as if she would be blown away by a gust of wind. Opal had a dorky rainbow shirt on that said "enjoy a good book at the library nearest to you".

"This is Ruby Ra," Onyx nodded toward a tall, skinny girl with fiery-looking red hair, a halter top that showed off perfectly tanned shoulders, and tattoos of bloody-looking battles that Jade would rather not go into detail about. She had five piercings in her face, not including her five other piercings on her ears. Two dotted above her eyebrow, two in her nose, and one in her lip. She had a weird accent that Jade couldn't place.

Jade remembered her from school where Onyx had come up on Ruby's watch. She had seemed pretty nice then, except for being so pushy and demanding. Jade had blown up at her... she probably should've given a better first impression than that.

"And this is Jasper Horus," he finally said, his voice faltering slightly. Jade saw why. The boy looked about eighteen, with jet-black hair that was sculpted into an intentionally sloppy Mohawk, coffee-colored skin, a pointy nose with a look that it had been broken at least twice, and a bronze hunting knife that he was using to clean his fingernails with.

He flashed a crooked grin at her, showing blinding white teeth that could have been on a dental commercial.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked politely with a slight drawl of a southern accent. The politeness was not that charming; it had a forced sound, and he kept eyeing her up and down as if sizing her up. Jade self-consciously backed up a step and crossed her arms over her chest protectively.

Well, I was good until I saw you, Jade thought, nodding a little to show that she acknowledged him.

"Now," Onyx said with a slight edge to his voice, "Let me finish my small speech before you go saying that it isn't true. If you do not let me finish, I will gut you like a fish with Jasper's knife."

At that, Jasper drew the blade closer to him, his eyes narrowing.

"Anyway," Onyx continued. He plunged in.

"I know that you all have heard about the Egyptian gods, Nut, Geb, Isis, Ra, Horus, Set, Nephysis, all of those.

At first, there was only Nun. Nun was the dark water of chaos. On the first hill stood the first god, Atum. His two children had two children of their own; Geb, the god of the earth, and Nut, the goddess of the sky. Nut and Geb had four children named Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephysis. I personally call Seth Set, since it sounds more like him and some people have picked up on that.

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