Journey for the Gem- Chapter 1

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                *~* JADE’S THOUGHTS

Jade Isis jumped at the sharp poke from her best (and only) friend, Marge Kendall.

“Miss Isis, I will repeat the question for you, since you are kindly paying attention now,” droned their history teacher, Mr. Ralph.

“What is the root language of all words?”

“The root language of all words is Latin, Mr. Ralph,” muttered Jade, feeling foolish as usual. As Mr. Ralph began his usual speech about how it is always important to study the wonders and imaginative creativity of history, the bell rang. Ready for an excuse to leave, Jade gathered up her books and sprinted full-force toward her locker.

“Jade!!” her out-of-shape-as-always friend panted. “Wait up for me!”

Jade slowed a tiny fraction, causing a muffled ‘humph!’ from Marge. She shoved her books into her locker, causing an avalanche of pens, paper, highlighters, and books to come flowing out.

One of the new boys, already surrounded by a mob of other seventh-graders, called out in a voice that could wake the dead, “Smooth move with Mr. Ralph, Jade! You must be his favorite student, seeing how… “organized” and “pretty” you are!” All of the boys didn’t bother to hold back chuckles and smirks, all except one guy that just stared at her, like he was planning her funeral. The sad, serious gaze lingered on her for what seemed minutes before he turned and walked away with the crowd.

“You should watch him!” yelled a voice right in her ear. “Ah! Don’t do that!” Jade yelped at Marge, slamming very ungracefully into the lockers.

“Sorry!” said a beaming Marge, looking triumphant at getting Jade back for not waiting. Jade stared at Marge for a couple of seconds before turning back to pick up her books.

Marge was a plump, cheery girl with rosy cheeks, curly black hair, and thick black-rimmed glasses, who usually had a knack at tripping people with her bulky leather shoes.

Suddenly, a hand reached out to grab the book Jade was reaching for. She yelped and slammed backward into Marge, who fell flat on her rear end with a loud thump.

The boy who had stared at her minutes ago was now staring at Jade again.

“You certainly aren’t the goddess of gracefulness, are you?” the boy asked. His bright green eyes, (much like Jade’s,) bore into her. The comment didn’t seem like an insult. It was more of a fact, actually. Jade remained silent, so the boy said, “I don’t think we’ve met before. My name’s Onyx Osiris. What’s your name? Your human host’s name, I know you, Isis.” Jade felt a deep stirring sensation inside of her, as if something or someone had just jumped wide awake in her body. Suddenly, words jumped out of her mouth before she could control them.

“I am well, although Set is loose. He escaped from his prison, I suppose you should call it, and is hiding out. The girl still has part of the control over me. She still doesn’t know anything; the naïve little girl.”

Jade wanted to punch herself.

I am mental, aren’t I? She thought to nobody in particular. No, you are just not on the same track. You are thinking wrongly, believe in the impossible, a voice in her head stirred. Oh, is that all?!  Jade almost screamed. This was not happening. It wasn’t… natural, or real, or even possible.

Oh, dear, you have no idea what really is possible. Accept the invitation that Osiris gives you, the voice whispered quietly. Suddenly, Onyx blurted out almost as if he had been forced to.

“You will meet me in the alley of the restaurant Joe’s Burgers at eight o’clock tonight. Come alone,” he said.

Jade didn’t have to think long before she decided to come. It’s not like anyone would be waiting for her at home, worried. Jade shook her head to get that thought out of her head and sighed.

 This day was very strange. Little did Jade know, but it was going to get even stranger.

{A/N: please comment, vote, fan, and like! One vote means the world to me, and it will only take a minute to do! I need a cover for this book, also. If you read my author's notes, please put ** before a comment. Please recommend this book to everyone! I'll upload a lot faster if you vote and comment. I dedicate this chapter to alexoxo and internationald4. You are both amazing authors! Please check out their books, Ten Things and Love Arrows. I'm hooked on them! Love, ridingrl.}

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