Journey for the Gem- Chapter 15

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"Did you hear that?"

They were in the regular world again, thankfully. Whenever Opal saw a late-night ice cream shop, she did a double take.

Ruby strained her neck back.

"Hear what, your obnoxious nasal voice?" Ruby asked casually. She had a knack for getting Opal to tear her hair out.

"Unless you were hearing Jasper, no, and I heard a cat."

Jasper started to protest, but Jade saw and distracted him. She was the best.

"Sooo, Jazz, who were all your other girlfriends?" She asked, twirling her shiny hair around one finger and grinning. She could've been Angelina Jolie, the way she could act.

"Well, Melissa Crower, Melissa's twin sister, Jolie Yale, Vanessa Forgot-Her-Last-Name, Melissa's other twin sister Harper who stabbed me with a spoon-"

"How can you stab somebody with a spoon?" wondered Ruby.

Jasper frowned. "Well, it's the same as stabbing someone with a fork. Harper gave me six stitches in my arm, see-"

"Shh, shut up for two seconds!" Opal hissed suddenly, clambering to scurry up a nearby tree. She heard it again.

A silent cat crept along the streets. It would seem normal, but the cat's gait was strained and crippled surreally pained and deformed. Opal caught a glimpse of its hooded face and almost screamed. Black spots danced before her eyes, and her vision slurred for a dangerous second. She almost fell out of the tree, but Jade caught her.

Small, beady eyes paired with stretched-out milky white skin made its face seem thin and gaunt, almost ghostly. The furless ears that stuck up were see-through and almost like a baby human's ears stretched and deformed then placed on overgrown cats. You could see their gaunt bones sticking out and their ribs like a turtle shell stuck into their lungs. They were pretty disgusting.

"We know that you are here." The voice that had come out of a cat's mouth was cackling and robotic with a slight hiss, as if the producer had added it to distracted the looks from the appearance. That was pretty hard to do.

"Surrender now and we will spare the girl."

Opal cocked her head at a chubby, brown-eyed girl in handcuffs that they shoved forward. Her face looked like it was supposed to be rosy, but had hollowed and paled slightly. Glasses hung at a crooked angle on her face, like somebody had used her face as a punching bag in their spare time. They must've had a lot of spare time. Big black and blue bruises disorientated her face and were turning a gruesome yellow color at the edges. Jade gasped.

Marge, she mouthed at Opal. She's my friend from school.

Jade's eyes looked frantic. Opal knew that her friend was just about to call out. So she did the only thing she could think of doing. She launched herself out of the tree.

It wasn't a high or hard fall. The landing wouldn't have hurt if Ruby had jumped out at the same time and landed on her.

"Ugh, what have you been eating?" Opal gasped, feeling the breath leave her lungs. She almost choked as Ruby dug her knee into her spine before getting off.

Feeling stiff, Opal stood and faced the cat-like creatures with her friends at her sides.


Ruby raised an eyebrow at the cat creatures.

A creature standing next to her lunged immediately. Before Ruby had the time to react, her mouth and everyone else's was covered in duct tape.

"What's da matter? Has a cat got your tongue?" a cat snickered.

Jade mumbled something from inside her duct tape, and a CC whacked her so hard in the face that Jade fell.

"Bind their hands!"

"Tie their feet!"

"Show no mercy!"

The cats chorused together, "Kill them slowly!"

"Well, isn't this a lovely little gathering," Ruby murmured from her duct tape. The next thing she knew, she was on the ground, seeing stars and feeling pain in her jaw.

"Anyone who speaks is whipped!" the leader mechanically nodded as he spoke.

Ruby was hustled to a car and pushed in. Opal was last and got her hair shut into the car door.

Opal shrieked as the car jerked around and her hair ripped out. As the driver slammed on the brakes, Ruby felt her nose crack as her head whacked the seat.


{A/N: Hey guys! Well, I changed something in this book. In chapter 13, remember how Jade is injured because of that spiked cage? Well, I was getting tired of Jade getting hurt, so I changed it to Ruby is the one who the cage landed on, okay? You don't have to go back and read it, but you can if you want to. Sorry it's short, and sorry I didn't upload yesterday or the night before, I was busy! OOH! And a shout out to my readers with no accounts. Thanks for reading! I know you might get frusterated with me when I beg everyone else to vote and comment, but please bear with me. :) and when you do get an account, you'll come back and vote and comment for this book, right? *Sweet smile, air kisses* well, thanks for reading! Please comment and vote! I'll upload faster if I get 2 votes before tomorrow. I know you can do it! PS I'm always looking for a conversation, PM me if you need somebody to talk to, cause I'm here! PSS Thanks for reading this extremely long A/N. Love, ridingrl. :) }

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