Chapter 7

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Italics are flashbacks.

            “I just, I jussst want one more drink,” I slur to Wayne, spinning myself around to face the bartender, signaling another round to him.

            We’re at some random club that was relatively close to our hotel. The pulsating rhythms and the blinding lights started to collide, increasing my dizziness by the minute. Or it might have been the vodka.

            “Babe, I think you’ve had enough,” Wayne concerns.

            Wayne came to visit me for the night, having seen our show earlier on. With him being out of the country for football and with our last final rehearsals for the tour, I had not seen him in a few weeks. Wayne was all over me; his hands constantly moving all over my body. His hand was currently caressing my butt as I leaned up against the bar. He always got like this when we had not seen each other in awhile and normally, it was a turn on, but not tonight. I kept having to awkwardly squirm out of his grasp, in which he would just try to tie me back in seconds later.

            I turn around to face him and put my index finger up to his lips.

            “Jusssst one more,” I mutter, silencing him.

            I’ve lost count of how many shots I’ve had, which explains the slurring. I down the shot and turn to face him, leaning into his chest. I’m just drinking. Shot after shot after shot. Where are the other girls? Probably dancing, conversing, whatever. And I’m just… drinking.

            “I think you’re done for tonight,” Wayne comments, pulling the empty glass out of my hand.

            “You’re no fun,” I said as I playfully hit him in the chest.

            We spot Ben and Una off in the distance and as Wayne attempts to make a move to go greet them, Vanessa comes out of nowhere, basically colliding with Wayne and me. 

            “Wankie!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around both of us. She can barely keep her balance as Wayne instinctively throws his arm around her to hold her up.

            “You’re wasted,” Wayne blurted out, trying to hold Vanessa up.

            “We’re all wasted!” I scream, stealing Vanessa out of Wayne’s grip as I wrap my arms around her. “Where are the other girls?”

            Wayne had moved over to converse with Ben and Una as Vanessa took up all my attention.

            “Rochelle is dancing with Marvin… Una is…” Vanessa spins around, “Hey, Una is right there!” She yelled with excitement, giggling at herself at the same time.

            “And Mollie went back to the hotel.”

            “Wait, why?”

            “I don’t know. It’s not a big deal, Frank. Come on, let’s dance,” She retorts, trying to grab my hand and pull me behind her.

            I stand my ground and let her struggle to pull me. I had gotten the sudden urge to leave right then. I was too drunk anyways, so maybe it was a good time for me to head out.

            “I’m going back to the hotel. Will you tell Wayne?”

            “Yeah, whatever,” she responds as she makes her way back to the dance floor.

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