Goodbye Internet

63 7 7

Trigger Warning - Suicide

Hopping onto the train after work, you manage to get a seat. You pull your phone out of your bag and plug some headphones in, opening the radio app; unruly hair swinging in front of your face as you do so.

Just as you've tuned in, you feel the motion of the train tug your body backwards. You struggle to hear the newsreader over the noise of the train, as well as everyone talking around you.

"Ex-Internet star, Daniel Howell, has just revealed the news that his partner, Philip Lester, was killed in a tragic accident on Tuesday evening." She says, enunciating her words - you recognise the names, you think you used to like them as a child. "Coincidentally, this was exactly 12 years after Dan's first video, titled 'Hello Internet'. He refused an interview with us, but we're still waiting for the details of the accident."

You sigh as some music comes on, and then notice that your stop is next. Awkwardly pushing past some people, you shove your phone back into your bag and finally reach the doors.

The train stops, and you have to hold on, fighting against the body weight of other commuters until the door opens. Stepping out onto the platform, you search for your friend who's supposed to be meeting you here.

You feel a tap on your shoulder, and turn to see a familiar face. That brown sweeping fringe, those gorgeous cheekbones; and eyes a mellow brown, deep and thoughtful, easy to get lost in. Childhood memories come flooding back - it must be Dan!

Only... His once sparkling eyes are bloodshot from crying, his hair messed up like he's been tossing and turning all night. His face is thinner, and he has bags under his eyes.

"Excuse me..." His voice is obviously hoarse from sobbing. "Can you take this?"

Keeping his eyes focused on it, he reluctantly hands you a stuffed lion. Phil's. "What-?" You begin to ask, but he interrupts, obviously not paying attention.

"And, erm... Upload this... Afterwards." Then he passes you a DVD, and on its case is written:

YouTube username: danisnotonfire

Password: philthel10n.15aspork

And in the bottom corner is a small, purposeful heart, drawn in biro. Inside it, in careful cursive, are the words 'goodbye internet'.

"What do you mean, goodb-?" Your speech fades away as you lift your head.

Dan's stood on the edge of the platform.

You try to shout, grab his attention, talk him out of it, when he notices a train come down the tracks.

It's not stopping.

Tilting forward, he spreads his arms wide, letting his body weight throw him over. The train passes through the station, taking Dan with it.

And it might have been your imagination, but you're convinced that when he passed you, he whispered those fateful words:

Goodbye Internet.

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