Tell Me You're Lying

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Trigger Warning • Suicide (yes, again, sorry I like writing horribly depressing things oki)

"I'm just looking, thanks." Dan brushed the sales assistant away, browsing the rows and rows of sparkling rings.

His phone lit up with a text - from Phil.

Dan it's so late why are you outside? Thought you were a vampire or something omg 👻

I'm looking at engagement rings, you dork. 💕💍

Dan paused, thinking, then sent another text.

Come with me tomoz and I'll show you my faves?

It showed that Phil had read the message, but he didn't reply for a while. When he eventually sent a text, it read:

Come home ASAP. Need to talk to you...😣

Dan hurriedly left the shop, catching the first tube he could find - going to the right place, of course. After what seemed like an eternity, Dan got off the train and walked briskly through nighttime London.

It was particularly peaceful in this area: hardly any traffic, light from the streetlights strewn across familiar roads. The darkness engulfed Dan, accepting him as one of its own, wind blowing hair into his face to protect him.

He finally reached the apartment building; climbing to the right door; fumbling with the key to unlock it; going up the stairs. 

"Phil?" He called out. "What did you want to talk about?"

He saw his partner coming down the hallway. Smiling, Dan swiftly took him into a kiss - getting confused when Phil pushed him away.

"Listen... I've been thinking and I- I don't want to get engaged..." Phil admitted, and hung his head in shame. Dan was struck speechless.

"What?" He whispered quietly.

"I don't think that... Maybe..." Phil still stared at the carpet, not wanting to upset his partner. "Marriage isn't for us."

Dan began to speak, but Phil cut him off, attempting to explain himself.

"It's not - I don't - it's just..." He stuttered, pausing to think of the right words. "Marriage is a big thing, I don't think I really want a husband?" He winces, looking up at Dan, greeted by his stony expression.

"I don't believe you." Dan said adamantly.

Phil sighed, pausing for what seemed like an eternity. "Okay, fine. The truth is... When you were away, I got drunk...

"Something happened, something between me and Louise."

"Don't tell me you kissed her..." He interrupted in a disappointed tone.

Phil winced in anticipation. "Erm, it was a bit more than that... And, she's not getting an abortion." Silence descended over their apartment, tension building, Phil cowering, Dan thinking, until -

"You've got to be joking." Dan laughed bitterly. "Ten years... Ten whole fantastic, brilliant, amazing years... They mean nothing to you?"

"They do, they mean so much... You're more than I ever could have hoped for, but-"

"But what?" Dan interrupted, narrowing his eyes. Phil shook his head, but Dan just stared at him, daring him to say something horrible.

Phil attempted to put a hand on Dan's arm for comfort, but he shoved it away roughly.

"I can't change it!" Desperation overflowed Phil's voice as he realised that there was no way to calm Dan down.

"Tell me you're lying." Dan said, with a shake in his voice.

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