Calendar Boys

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My lips meet Phil's underneath the fireworks lighting up the sky. Sweet and glorious - another well-spent year together.

"New Year's resolution?" He inquires, nose touching mine.

"Spend another year with you." I reply simply, pressing my lips to his once more, as the next shower of sparkles explodes overhead.


No cheesy cards, no soppy love letters; just a day of gaming, together; my hand resting on Phil's leg, his arm snaked around my shoulders - of course, this makes the gaming part rather difficult.

A series of profanities tumble out of my mouth as I'm hit by a blue turtle. Phil gives me a warning look, reprimanding me for swearing so loudly, in case the neighbours hear. I shrug, and continue trying to aim my green turtle perfectly at Peach.

Suddenly, she swerves to the left, just as my thumb presses the button. "Peach, you son of an ass fucking monkey!"


Soothing sounds of pattering rain engulf me as I snuggle into Phil under the soft blanket.

The scent of his cologne entices me, but I know I'll end up falling asleep if I become any comfier.

I'm meant to be watching the film that he's put on, but just spending an afternoon together, feeling his arms around me, is enough.


"Dan, come quick, the pan! It's on fire!" I rush down the corridor into the kitchen, narrowly missing the edge of the glass door. I skid to a halt on the polished tiles. No fire to be seen - nor Phil, for that matter.

"April Fools!" Phil exclaims, jumping out from behind the door with a childish grin on his face.

"Phil, I swear to God..." I mutter under my breath; he pouts in reply, crossing his arms. I tap his nose gently. "I still love you, you know."


Bluebells are scattered abundantly across the forest floor, like sapphire jewels on spongy emerald grass. Cow parsley springs up everywhere, accenting the vibrant flowers with its calming white speckles - yet Phil still manages to look more beautiful.

I shake my head, grinning as he skips around sarcastically. Something - most likely himself - gets in his way and he trips, but manages to catch himself just in time.

Still beaming, I roll my eyes. What a dork.


I knock on Phil's door gently, hoping he'll hear over his incessant coughing. He doesn't. I go in anyway. His skin unusually pale, he sits up in bed at the sight of my entry. Sitting down carefully at the foot of his bed, I kiss him tenderly on the cheek.

"Here." I hand him a cup of coffee, and his smile warms my heart as the drink warms his trembling hands.

Phil manages to whisper one sentence despite his hoarse voice. "Happy birthday, Dan."


Suppressing a grin, I lead Phil to our seats by the hand: we've been in a high-end restaurant for five minutes and he's already walked into a table, two chairs and a waiter.

He sits down at long last, biting his lip but smiling. I keep holding his seemingly fragile hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with my thumb.

"Phil." I say; causing him to look up expectantly. "You're a walking catastrophe." And, in the middle of a Michelin star restaurant, I lean right across the table to kiss him.


Sprawled across the Mediterranean beach, we sit in just our swimming trunks, watching the sun change from white hot to a gentle amber glow. This particular lighting is so beautiful and romantic, but best of all it makes Phil look even more irresistible than usual.

It's just faded to a faint, watercolour scarlet when remember something. I fumble nervously in the built-in pocket of my trunks.

"Phil, do you have the keys?" I ask, wincing. His eyes go wide as he slowly shakes his head. Crap.


Turning to Phil, I notice a huge pile of leaves in his hand. "Don't you d-" I begin, but am cut off by the dry leaves blowing into my mouth.

I spit them out distastefully, not breaking eye contact with Phil as I bend down and pick up a pile of my own, slowly and maliciously.

His eyes go wider; mine narrow. I smirk, pulling my arm back to aim. "You're in for it now."


The meringue crunches audibly as I bite into it. I smile. "This is possibly the best egg-toplasm I've ever tasted."

Phil laughs, half-covering his mouth, while I give the camera a knowing look. "What?" He inquires. I let the silence linger for a while, and then reply.

"That was possibly the best Halloween baking pun I've ever made." This earns a mock-punch from him, swiftly followed by a loving cheek kiss. Goddammit Phil, I'll have to edit that out.


Our fingers interlaced, we stand in awe at the huge firework display. Reds, purples, pinks, golds; bright and colourful, they disperse in the air with a bang.

The warm glow of a roaring bonfire takes the chill off the autumn night; sparks fly around in the heat haze above, mixing with light from fireworks.

I feel Phil squeeze my hand gently, and I turn to look at him - his cheeks are rosy from the cold, and his eyes reflect the amber flames. Squeezing his hand in reply, I smile; out of all the people here he could have chosen, he chose me.


I take my hands off Phil's eyes as his Christmas present is finally revealed.

Face lighting up with joy, he rushes forward, tickling the Jack Russell happily bounding around our living room.

Picking her up, he walks back over to me, giving me a swift kiss on the cheek. As he pulls away, he giggles to himself, giving me a mischievous smirk. "And every year, we buy a puppy."

A/N I'm sorryyyyyyyy but that's the only way I could think to end it plz don't murder me Phil was joking I promise 0.0

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