Happy Anniversary

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Connor, my eldest foster child, sits on the kitchen floor doing his (probably last-minute) homework. Phil steps carefully but hurriedly past him, and begins making sandwiches for the kids.

Upstairs, I hear the familiar thumping of a fist against the door of the only bathroom in the house.

"Kai, you've been in there for ages!" Anna-Beth complains. She's 14, and has just discovered the delights of acne, meaning she spends at least ten minutes every morning routinely covering it all up.

"Kai, your sister needs the bathroom. Just imagine how many people would pass out if they saw Anna-Beth without make up!" Connor yells up the spiral staircase.

Following his snide comment, I hear something heavy hit Connor and he cries out in pain.

"Stop it!" Phil reprimands the eldest two. "And Kai, there'll be no time for breakfast if you don't come out now."

Immediately the door unlocks and a dull pattering of feet tells me he's finally come downstairs.

Phil hands the boys a packed lunch each, putting another one into Anna-Beth's school bag - he shouts up to the bathroom to tell her.

Standing at the kitchen counter, Kai proceeds to pour himself some cereal and a glass of orange juice. He hurriedly eats it, then rushes over to put his lunch into his backpack before slinging it over one shoulder.

"Bye!" He calls as he walks out of the door, speeding up in hopes that he'll actually catch the school bus this morning.

Anna-Beth's friends arrive, and with a flurry of movement, she's out of the door and gone, leaving the faint scent of her perfume behind.

Once he's shoved the crumpled homework sheet in his pocket, Connor grabs his skateboard from the garage, and attempts to leave the house.

"Not so fast!" Phil pulls him back, handing him a black skater helmet. "Safety first."

With a final eye roll, Connor's off as well.

Meanwhile, I'm still at the dining room table, trying desperately to get Ben to eat something. He's only a toddler, and teething, so it's not the easiest of tasks - especially this morning, as the chaos around our house seems to have disrupted his sleep.

"I've got it, love." Phil pulls me up off the chair.

Giving me a lingering kiss, he takes Ben and holds him up on his hip. Jogging the baby up and down, he tells me what our plans are.

"I'll take Ben to daycare; you just need to relax. Then, when I get back, I want to take you out for the day." I ask where, but he won't give me an answer.

I give up. Phil unlocks the car and straps Ben into his seat.

"See you soon." I say, tenderly kissing him. "Oh, and happy anniversary."

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