Sketch: Luxsoka Imitating Anidala

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HB pencil, copyright shanSWfan November 20th, 2015.


Hi guys!

I drew this one about three weeks ago. It's what happens when I watch ROtS and then take a break halfway through (it's a sacrilege, I know, but it was lunchtime and I was hungry) and then forget I was watching the movie and watch 'A Friend In Need' and then remember again. I draw Luxsoka that imitates Anidala moments.

You see how it bears resemblance to the way Anakin and Padme hugged *shushes fangirl squeal* maybe fifteen minutes into ROtS after Anakin returns from rescuing the Chancellor? I had to rewatch that clip like eight times on Youtube and then find a few stills to work with.

I have no idea where it came from exactly, but somehow I get the impression it's going to show up in one of the fanfics I'm currently writing or planning to write but haven't posted yet... I don't know but that's what I'm feeling...

Oh, and btw, the reason there's that weird discolouration at the bottom corner of the sketch is because I forgot to sign all the drawings before I scanned them, and because I was too lazy to scan them all again. So, I just copy-pasted the signature from one of the other scans I already have on the computer (but am still debating if I'll post or not).

I think I'll have to stop here for tonight, but expect more Luxsoka doodles (and maybe a MASTERPIECE or two, if I decide to pull one of my Ahsoka drawings out of my old and now extremely full sketchbook) in the near future. But until then (or until I update something else)...

May the Force be with you all,


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