NO I WAS JUST KIDDING DON'T GO!!! It's okay, I don't bite. Most of the time, anyways.
This is just a dumb little book that will be filled with dumb little drawings and a few ABSOLUTELY AWESOME MASTERPIECES, when the Force is with me.
The idea behin...
HB pencil, copyright shanSWfan February 22nd, 2016.
Hello all! Sharron here.
This is the drawing that started Her Wings Of Fire. Yep, 'tis the very one.
Basically, how this whole mess started was I discovered that, buried deep in my pencil case, was a pen with yellow ink. So, naturally, the first thing I did was grab a red one and a fine-point Sharpie and start drawing Sith eyes in my school planner like a madwoman.
Then, while flipping through my sketchbook a while later looking for stuff I hadn't finished, I found the beginnings of a face (basically a U-shaped thing that serves as a chin and the contouring of the cheeks) and thought, "Hey! Why don't I draw Sith eyes on this model too? Or better yet, how would AHSOKA look with Sith eyes? I mean, there's a BLANK PAGE right here waiting to be drawn all over!"
So that's what I did.
And it turned into a 3/4 body sketch (I suck at drawing proportional legs and the face model was at that level anyways) in complete Sith Inquisitor apparel. (I might actually sketch it out later so that it's easier to see. But this was the original.)
That got me thinking, "Hmm. Well, this could actually make for an interesting fanfic. Ahsoka was turned to the Dark Side sometime before the fic started and is Vader's favorite out of the Inquisitors. She'd be powerful enough to take over as High Inquisitor after the death of the last one in Fire Across The Galaxy..."
But something else occurred to me: "Oh, but we'll still need someone to be Fulcrum. And, just to make it interesting, how about Lux Bonteri? They wouldn't have seen each other in years and he thinks she's dead, and is still very much in love with her even after she 'died'!"
So, back to the sketch, before I get too off-topic. I was actually very happy with the way it turned out, even with that crappy coloring job that looked SO much better on paper than it does on the screen... But it's a legit representation of what she looks like in the fic, so I'm happy :D
And, just for the heck of it, here's a bigger version that you guys might be able to see better:
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So yeah. This is also the first sketch I've posted that's drawn in color. This is the second one of two or three in my sketchbook, but the first one isn't anywhere NEAR done and the second one is just a purple sort of glow from a marker lightsaber on a pencil sketch. But yeah, I think it turned out okay.
Now I'm gonna post that other sketch I scanned tonight. Bye!