NO I WAS JUST KIDDING DON'T GO!!! It's okay, I don't bite. Most of the time, anyways.
This is just a dumb little book that will be filled with dumb little drawings and a few ABSOLUTELY AWESOME MASTERPIECES, when the Force is with me.
The idea behin...
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{In the box in the first panel it says "A street in Iziz, capital city of the planet Onderon." Sorry, my handwriting is kind of messy even though I TRIED to make it legible XD}
All right, story time: so a similar thing to last time happened here. The MOST AMAZING LIKE I WAS DYING OF FUZZY FEELS READING IT chapter was posted to her Star Wars fanfic, Shadows Of The Order, which you all kind of sort of REALLY NEED to check our right this second because it's SO AWESOME AND TOO PERFECT FOR WORDS.
Preview to the moral of this story: don't leave me alone with an idea. If I'm not distracted quickly, it will fester and create something wonderful but that at the same time should have been put towards something else. What started out as an awesome sketch in my mind soon became - since I had my sketchbook with me but not my pencils so I had no choice but to think about it - a full blown, at least twelve-panel-long comic.
Now, I shamelessly acknowledge how terrible I am at backgrounds. I can do a sort of impressionistic nature scene, sure, no problem, but a street...? Tonight I discovered that I lacked the experience to turn at least that part of the image into something on the page.
The mystery of perspective eludes me...
But two things I particularly like: the people and the streetlights. Just the way it scanned on the first panel (I also drew it last, so that might have helped a bit), it actually looks like it's LIGHT. Like it's shining up at me from the screen, so VERY happy about that.
Ahsoka turned out awesome and Lux turned out okay in both panels you see him in, so yay! Ahsoka was also supposed to be in motion (running towards the camera, specifically, if I may speak in storyboard terms), so that's why everything's bouncing and her hands look sort of weird.
All in all, I'm happy with the way it turned out, despite the fact that the backgrounds could have used a little more work in the first and fourth panels.
Whew, that was LONG!! Well, anyways, have a good night or day, depending on where you are! I'll see you all later!