Chapter 1: Good Kill

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Kyle P.O.V.

My first kill was awesome. Her flesh I pierced through was magnificent and smooth. My sharp blade just went through her, and her blood squirted out violently and was redder than I've ever seen. She was in the way, in the way of being with my beloved friend.

Subject number 1. Annie Knitts. Blonde curly hair. Brown jacket, and black jeans. 10 years old.
Her crime to me? Talking with my best friend. SUPER best friend. She laughed with him and her face almost flushed with a red color.

There was a liking developing in them, and I just couldn't let that happen. I'm Kyle Broflovski, and I'm my best friend's protector. Slash eliminator of rivals.


"Kyle, have you seen Annie anywhere?"
Her friend, Bebe Stevens asked me curiously. Since I killed that wall, her friends noticed her being gone for over three weeks. I on the other hand, have been eyeing and keeping an eye on Stan Marsh, my super best friend.

"Sorry, no, I haven't."
I lied. She wore a sad expression on her face and thanked me, going away to find her. Which she'll never accomplish. How are you going to find a dead person? Dig her up from the grave? You must be pretty crazy if you're going to do doing that.

Stan then showed up behind me, and gradually surprised me by yelling out a 'good morning'. I jumped up and turned to him, who was laughing so much. His laugh is so mesmerising.
I playfully punched his shoulder and chuckled. He was so happy, that I took advantage.

"Wanna come to my place later?"
I asked nicely. He nodded, smiling from ear to ear, giving a thumbs up. Then he looked around all of a sudden. Looking for someone I suppose?

"Hey dude, have you seen Annie? She has my notebook for Science class."
He asked. I shrugged, and told him I would look for it. He thanked me and we went to our class.
Grabbing our stuff, and setting off.


Mr. Garrison only kept muttering about how 'gay' people saved sexuality and stuff like that. Not really discussing anything important. So students were practically just mumbling and whispering to each other.

While I was planning something, to get the show going. Stan doesn't know I kill. Nobody does. But that's good, It gives me advantages to target people who hurt or flirt with Stan. I hunt them down and kill them without hesitation.

Mr. Garrison dismissed us earlier than he usually does, and went to do 'something' with Mr. Slave. I don't know why really.

"What are they gonna do now? Hey Jew, give me your homework."
Cartman demanded as the teacher fled off. I glared at him, for this is the 65th time he's offending me. Stan always prevents me from beating him up at first, but now, I need to end this.

I know my target. Subject number 2. Eric Cartman. 10 years old. Brown hair. Red jacket, brown pants, and red rubber shoes. Fat. Crime to me? Insulted me everytime of everyday. But now, I'll end him.

"Let it go, dude."
I heard Kenny calm me down. I nodded so he can see that I was listening, but no, I won't calm down, not to this fatboy!


I made sure Cartman followed me, as I went home. I told him that I'll give him Cheezy Poofs, and he got convinced. Retarded loser. He followed me, but not at home, into the woods.

"Oi! He hell are we here, Kahl?! Where's my Cheezy Poofs!?"
He demanded. I stopped, and took out my dagger from my bag. He didn't notice yet, but when I turned to him, he backed away from me.

"Uh... Kahl? Why are you holdin' that thing??"
He asked away nervously. He tripped on a tree root, and fell down his butt.

"You're done."
I told him, before slashing his face with the tip of the held dagger. He covered his face in pain and agony. Blood oozed out from his face and in between his fingers, which were covering his face.
Still not dead? Alright then...

I gave him another cut, this time, cutting his hands off. Handless now. I managed to stab him right on the eye. He ached in pain, as I twisted my dagger onto his eye.

And soon, he stopped moving. I was done. He was gone. I was super happy, 'cause NO MORE FATBOY!!

I waited a while to let the blood dry. I soon dug up a hole, and buried him there. I took a bag of cheezy poofs and threw it it.

"Here's what I promised."
I said with a smirk. I laughed maniacally, and buried the rest of his body with soil. I laughed maniacally, and left the woods.

"Kyle! There you are! Where have you been, man?"
Stan met me up. My clothes were not bloody, not one bit of me. I prevented myself from getting dirty with blood. Pretty cool, huh? I know Cartman wasn't a rival, he was so annoying and retarded. So heartless and cruel, his life should end.

I gave Stan his notebook, he was surprised.
"Hey, where'd you find this? Wasn't this in Annie's?
He asked. I shooked my head and corrected him.

"Nope. Not at all. It was with Kenny. Dunno why though."
I didn't lie though. Kenny approached me earlier, and gave me the notebook, with the name, 'Stanley Marsh'. Don't judge me, or I'll make you my next target. Don't forget that.

He made a confused face, but turned into a smile. We both headed to my place, but before we did.
Wendy met us on the way. Damn it.

"Hi Stan! Hi Kyle!"
She greeted with her usual high-pitched voice. While Stan found it cute, I found it annoying. Stan had a crush on her years ago, but since Wendy breaks up, gets together, and breaks up with him, he decided to just be her friend, instead of getting his heart broken everytime.

But with how Wendy looked, she seems like she wants him again. Too late buttface, you're never gonna hurt him again. Wendy noticed me look at her, and she glared her eyes, and smirked. Butthole! How dare you two-faced...?!
That's it, you're my next target. BITCH.

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