Chapter 7: Avoiding You

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After Clyde's party, almost everyone got drunk, dunno how. I saw Stan looking at me with a suspicious look. I avoided eye contact and just left Clyde's house.

I went out the cool night breeze and went to walking towards my house.
I then heard someone from the bushes, it seems like it was some sort of stalker wanting to get me, so, I prepared my weapon.

I walked slowly as I waited for a pounce, a jump, on me. But nothing came up on me at all.
So I hid my weapon and decided to walk directly towards that russling noise.

A raven-haired boy jumped in front of me. It was Stan, and he looked hyper right now. He was also wearing a cat mask, but I knew it was already him by voice.

I stammered. He crawled out of the itchy bush, and whined a bit. This is what I'm afraid of... to get seen by my bestfriend kill somebody or... accidentally kill him.

"Awww... I thought you'll *hiccup* never know tha- *hiccup* that it was meee... *hiccup*"
He said weirdly. He went towards me and leaned on my shoulder, slowly hugging me. I felt his warm embrace escape, but he's drunk. The smell of alcohol ruined my soothing wish.

"Well... it was pretty obvious... actually..."
I confessed. He just hugged me a bit tighter and said some slobbish words that I couldn't understand.

"R-Really? *hiccup* Bum-*hiccup* mer."
He told me. I let out a deep sigh and supported his weight onto my shoulder, and led him towards his house.

"It's fiiine, Kyleeee... I can douuuu this on my phone..."
He said with flying words. I shut my eyes a while and rubbed my forehead.

"You mean 'own'."
I corrected. He looked at me, with a serious look, and I looked back expressionless.

"Oh... yeah.. ahahaha..."
He said opening the door. I started to leave his property but before I could Stan let out some words that shocked me and left me frozen on spot.

"Kyle! I LOVE YOU!"
He yelled out, almost stumbling inside. I couldn't move. I don't know how to react, I lost myself to those three words said by my one and only...

"I Love You"
It kept repeating over and over inside my head. This is hard...
If he finds out what I am... he'll never love me. He said those words because he's drunk and sobber.

But some say you can't control your words, and can accidentally say what's happening inside your mind or something. I don't know...

Need to... need to... NEED TO KILL SOMETHING!!!
My mind set off by my urges to kill. So many bastards in that party, I couldn't stand it at all. Not one tiny bit of it.

"Yo, Kyle!"
I heard someone call my name from afar, behind me, as I was about to walk towards my house. I turned to Kenny, whose hood was all up, hiding his pure blonde hair, uncovering his mouth though.

"Kenny? What is it?"
I asked curiously. He smiled a bit and began to speak.

"Well, you left without me and Butters. Why'd you leave so soon?"
He asked smiling. I stared a bit and then began to talk.

"So many assholes in there. I couldn't take it. Besides, I almost..."
I stopped because of frustration. Kenny began to make a worried look on his face.

"So you wanted to..."
He said, but I nodded, knowing what he was about to say. He looked around, and I looked down to the ground. I was having an urge to kill since that party, but at the same time drowsy.

"I'll help you on this."
Kenny told me suddenly, making my eyes widen a bit. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Hey, Don't get too comfortable. I'm not gonna do this all the time."
He fessed. I nodded, faint smiling. He told me to stay at my spot and he'll get something to let me off.


A couple of minutes later, Kenny came back with two pigeons, with him dirty. The two pigeons' feet or should I say claws, were clamped together by a wire.

"You did this?"
I ask. He nodded and gave it to me.
He looked at me expressionelessly as I took my weapon earlier. It was a pocket knife.

"Thanks... I guess..."
I told him, pointing the blade on the first pigeon's chest. He gave me a short nod. We both went behind a tree first, to make sure nobody is gonna find me killing an innocent animal. Even though it's nighttime and dark, well, just in case.

I plucked one feather out of its skin and it squealed. I quickly stabbed it's chest, making the squeal short and squirming stop. I was pretty much enjoying this.

I cut open the first pigeon's stomach and proceeded with the second pigeon. I cut off all its body parts, including the inner organs. Blood drip from the two bodies, leaving stains on my hand.
I placed the second pigeon inside the cut opening of the first one. And it was over.

I started. Kenny looked at me, from the dead pigeons. He looked at me with curiosity and tilted his head a bit.

"I don't think... Stan is safe with me..."
I told him. Kenny's face grew a much more confusing look.

"What? But you always protect him! Why wou-"
"I almost did 'it'."
I cut him off. His eyes grew wide, and I stayed silent.

"You... almost..."
Kenny started, and I nodded, unfinishing his sentence. Because I knew what he was gonna say.

He stuttered. I sat beside him expressionless.

"He was... I think... about to scare me earlier and... I planned on killing him... I didn't know it was him..."
I informed Kenny. He listened as I told the whole story of what happened earlier.


"He said 'that'?!"
Kenny yelled loudly. But I closed his mouth, because someone might be there.

"Yeah, he did. Well that's because he was... drunk."
I stated, considering it was true. He raised a brow at me, and I gave him a 'what' look.

"You DO know he meant that, right?"
Kenny corrected. I glanced at him, with a confused look.

I told him. He raised his hands, like he got caught by a cop. I smiled a bit, and stood up.

"Thanks... anyway..."
I told him. He nodded, and we went our seperate ways.

Will he ever...?

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