Chapter 1

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It's  the beginning of freshman year. I am nervous as usual, but that's a normal thing for me because i have grown socially awkward. I look around to look for anybody that I knew, at the moment I didn't see any of my friends. I put in my headphones as I listen to my favorite band ever Bring Me the Horizon, I was currently listening to hospital for souls. I don't know what it was but I really liked them. Maybe there was still some emo left in me from middle school. After a while I see one of my friends, her name is Amber; she's one of my best friends. We checked each others schedules, and unfortunately we didn't have any classes together which sucked so much because we're both freshman it really sucked.

 Eventually lunch came but I didn't see Amber. Instead I found my other friend Chloe we ended up eating lunch together. I got home later that day and was relieved that I didn't get lost at all which I thought I was going to get lost. I texted Amber to see what she was doing. I went to her house and we talked about school and watched Netflix, that's what we do most days, even during the summer. The summer before we went to high school we went to Amber's moms' house, it was a lot of fun. I read a book and it was really good. We also played video games most of the time while there. 

After i left Amber's house I went home to think of what to do for the next day of school and what I would wear because i didn't want to look like a loser. I picked out what I thought was cute it was a black bring me the horizon shirt with Oliver doing the peace sign, my black jeans with writings on them, and my black Converse. I went to bed telling my Australian friend good night ( I met him during the summer). I fell asleep and was tired when my alarm clock went off at 6:30 am.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I just brushed my hair and let it go the way it pleased. I couldn't bother with it because I have curly-ish hair so it gets frizzy easily. I then got dressed and waited to go to school, I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat. I regretted it later that day, my stomach was growling because I didn't eat anything and it was only 10 in the morning and I had to wait till 12:35 to eat lunch. I couldn't concentrate at all because of my hunger. Lunch came very slow and I felt like I was starving. When I got my lunch I gulped it down as if i were some pig eating slop. And to make things worse After I was done I wanted other peoples food if they weren't going to eat it all. I should have eaten breakfast.

I go to my next class and I am still shy with talking to other people. So I don't really say much to anyone so I am more focused on what we will be learning through the school year. I get home and not to anyone's surprise I am eating again, sometimes I feel like I am a bottomless pit that can devour anything. I got to my room and lay there on Instagram while I wait for dinner to be done. I was excited because we were having scalloped potatoes, with veggies, and chicken. The chicken was so good. It was chicken breast that has been beer battered and had bread crumbs. The scalloped potatoes were cheesy and delicious. The veggies were just corn and peas with butter and a little salt. I went to bed after that being satisfied but very full as if I  were going to a food baby in my tummy.

I wake up feeling groggy from all the food I had the day before. I eat some cereal, brush my teeth, get dressed and brush my hair. I put on my black converse and blue graffiti-ed backpack. I left the house to meet up with some friends before school started. 

"Hey", I said to Amber.

"Oh hey, where is Chloe, Maria, and Lisa" she asked. 

" I don't know, I guess they aren't here yet. But they should be here soon"

" Yeah they should. I wonder what is taking them so long to get here"

About 5 minutes later Chloe, Maria, and Lisa showed up.

"Damn what took you guys so long. Like shit it's not like you need this much make-up" I said.

"Yes I do, I need to look good duh", said Chloe.

"You have a boyfriend though" literally all of us.

"Well you guys took forever and class is going to start soon so i'm going to go to class. I will see you guys at lunch byeeeee" I said as everyone else but Chloe said bye to me; we have first period together.

Class was so boring. All I did was learn what the x-intercept and y-intercept do in a plot chart. Chloe of course knew what she was doing because she is repeating algebra 1. She likes to be a show off but it always back fires on her. She thinks it funny so people would like her. She mainly trys to be cool with the black kids so she" won't get beat up by them", as she says. I would tell her that but then she will get bitchy so I just let her be. As it seems like lunch took forever to come again. It finally came; I was excited. I get to eat. I had a Caesar salad. It was really good. At lunch it is fun because we just goof off and no one can tell us not to. They can but they don't.

After lunch we go to class. A little later school is out, we are all some weirdos. We hang out outside of the Library. I don't know why we do, but we just do. It's our spot. I go home and I forget I have to do dishes and go straight to bed. I sleep being awaken by a nightmare of a zombie apocalypse. It is really weird. So I am up for about an hour or so, I finally fall back asleep as I wait for a new day. I can already tell that this school year will be long because these last 3 days were taking forever to be over. I can just imagine the school year being like this. 

A.N ( uhh okay so I just got into the mojo right now and I think this is pretty good considering I have been M.I.A for a long time now. I just couldn't think of what to write. I tried writing something else but I thought it was terrible so i took all of it out and now have decided to write again. Lemme know what you guys think, I also and semi- high rn so that helps with my creativity and writing stuff. Anyway I hope it is as good as I think it is. Love ya xx c:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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