Chapter 1 Hero Introductions

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*A dark cave... Why am I here? Who am I?* The Alicorn asked.

The Redheaded Alicorn smiled as her horn glowed bright with magic, "You are my messenger. You are a defender of the glade and a warrior from the night. You are my Night Glade. The sentients have declared that you are needed now that the realms have faced a true enemy of the dark. Aid the ponies of Equestria. It is of upmost importance that you go to their aid. You are one of their greatest hopes," she said. The young Alicorn could feel something tugging on his body.

"Wait who are you? Who am I?!" The Alicorn called.

The redheaded Alicorn smiled, "I am Queen Laurel and you are Night Glade Defender of Equestria, and you will learn!" Laurel called as Glade was sucked through a magical portal listening to the echoing call of his mother.


Night Glade woke with a start, a purple light lit the chamber and Glade turned to see Twilight Sparkle staring at him with concern. Glade sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Why are you in my chamber?" he asked annoyed. Twilight shook her head and sighed, "I heard your yelling throughout the castle! I thought you were under attack or something!!" she said. Glade looked around himself and noticed the burnt holes in the bed and walls, "Magic sleep fight... ugh," he said hoarsely.

Twilight huffed and turned to open the drapes with her magic, "No wait!" Glade cried but she pulled open the shades and Glade screamed as the light burned his eyes, "Bright light bright light!!!" he yelled going back under his torn covers.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Enough of this hiding in the dark and shadows! You've been here for nearly a year and you still insist on this mysterious stallion persona!" she yelled pointing a hoof at his hooded coat. Glade moaned, "Aren't your friends enough publicity I need?!" he said under his pillow with a groan. Twilight grimaced, "No! You need to actually go out and see the world! This brings me to the other reason why I'm here; Princess Celestia is transferring you to a new part of Equestria," she said with a smile. Glade froze then looked up from under his pillow, "A new part?" he asked.

Twilight's expression shifted a bit, "Sort of. You're being transferred to my sister in law's kingdom. The Crystal Empire to be precise," she said with a forced smile. Glade got out of bed and looked at her concerned, "Have I not done well?" he asked. Twilight blushed, "No no it's not that at all I promise. There is a new cave that's been discovered outside the kingdom and its magic is really abnormal compared to regular equestrian magic. We believe that it's..." Glade cut her off, "It's from their realm?" he said. Twilight's eyes widened as her horn ignited as she zipped Glade's mouth shut tightly, "You know were not supposed to talk about that!!" she screeched.

Glade pulled on the zipper hard but it wouldn't budge. He turned and gave Twilight an angry glare, "I'm sorry," she said a little embarrassed about how she sounded. Twilight's horn ignited once more as she released the zipper. Glade frowned and turned to pull out a suit case and began packing his things, *Thought I was supposed to help out here. Not be some silly princesses errand pony?!* Glade thought darkly...

The Crystal Empire seemed bright and more colorful than ever. Scarlet Blitz trotted down one lane and looked around at the magnificent architecture that surrounded her. It had been years since the Empire's disappearance. Thanks to the Crystal Princess and Spike the Valiant the empire was free of its dark era. Scarlet smiled as she walked past other ponies who were chatting about random gossip and the events that had happened over the past years in Equestria. Today Scarlet started her new job as a guard for Princess Cadence herself, "Oh I'm so nervouscited!!" she squealed the weird word she had heard from a puffy pink haired pony she had seen awhile back. The word sounded weird but Scarlet liked the way it sounded.

Walking towards the castle Scarlet took notice of how the guards all looked so strict. Two older stallions stood at the door. On the left stood a guard with a Blue Mane and an orange coat, Flash Sentry, Scarlet believed and on the right stood the captain Shining Armor, Husband to the Princess and brother to Princess Twilight Sparkle! Scarlet's face turned a dark shade of red as she passed the two, *Oh my sweet Celestia is this really happening?!* She thought happily.

In the throne room Princess Cadence stood smiling at the young mare, "Ms. Blitz I presume?" she said. Scarlet blushed a little darker as she nodded, "Yes your highness," she squeaked. No pony had called her name so formally before. Cadence walked down from her throne and brought forth a set of armor, "I've heard lots about the music and joy you bring to other ponies Scarlet. I chose you out of the many who have trained many years to come and guard me. Of course my Shining Armor was a little skeptical but believe me he's got no room to talk," she said with a bright smile.

Scarlet smiled and giggled but quickly stopped, "I-I'm sorry," she said. Cadence laughed merrily giving off a pleasant aura around her being, "Don't worry its quiet alright. You have a cute laugh. The stallions must give you a lot of attention don't they?" Cadence asked politely. Scarlet shook her head with a little questioning expression, "No. I don't really socialize much. I just pump up the beat at a party or go out and enjoy the melodies of nature," she said.

Cadence put a hoof to her chin and began to walk around and examine Scarlet closely, "Don't worry about being shy around me. I'm not strict like everyone says I am. I'm rather a free spirit and I enjoy new experiences. So please feel free to be yourself," she said. Scarlet smiled, *I think I'm going to like it here,* she thought following Cadence down into the armory.

Many stallions stood at the ready as Cadence and Scarlet walked down the halls, "Is it like this all the time?" Scarlet asked. Cadence laughed lightly, "Unfortunately yes. Mainly the men are strict. The women are aggressive towards them to keep them in line but otherwise their harmless," she said opening the armory doors. A set of armor painted grey with a golden out line stood in the center of the room. A pink light lit the room and suddenly the armor was now on Scarlet herself and the room went dark, "Do you accept the responsibility of defending thy Princess till the death?" A male's voice said from the dark. Scarlet cringed then remembered the peace she felt with the Princess and she stood tall and firm, "I do!" she said.

"Do you~!" The voice was cut off by Cadence's voice, "Shining dear must you always do this to my newest staff member?" she asked lighting the room once more. Shining Armor stood on the side with a ridiculous look on his face between seriousness and laughter, "I'm sorry dear but it's too much of an offer to pass up. I'm terribly sorry if I scared you Ms. Scarlet," he said.

Scarlet smiled, "It's alright. I am honored to be at the Princesses side where I can do some real good for once," she said. Shining smiled as he looked from his wife to the mare beside her, "Then I am proud to officially say that you are now Scarlet Blitz: Ace Protector of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and~" Cadence cut him off again, "Cadence!" she said. Shining Armor stifled a laugh and fought back a tear or two of laughter, "Fine Eheheh. Ace Protector of Princess Cadence," he said. Scarlet smiled as she looked over the armor she wore and the badge that hung on the front of it. The symbol of the Crystal Empire etched with the crystal heart in the middle glowed with magic. Scarlet new that her life was going to change greatly, but how greatly no one knew for sure...

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