Chapter 6 TwinNight Duo

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Glade and Nightshade both stared at Silver as he bolted all around the room typing on the computer (How Nightshade had no idea!) and tinkering with a lot of the weapons and artifacts they had uncovered, "Is he always like this?" Glade asked. Nightshade chuckled, "Nah, today's Tuesday. He's usually in a cranky mood," he said.

Silver stopped and examined Glade closely, "How odd. Your magical aura is off the charts. I've never seen anything more like it," he said pulling out a weird staff. The staff looked like a golden thermometer but with a blue liquid inside. Silver strapped the staff to Glade's back and the liquid inside the staff began to rise quickly and suddenly it popped when it reached the top!

Silver scratched his chin, "Yes, yes I see now... You were solely created from magic itself. How this is possible I am not certain but powerful indeed you are!" he said getting back to his work. Shade looked over silvers shoulder and smiled, "Looks like you have it all set don't you Silver?" he asked.

Silver turned and his eyes turned blood red, "Get out of my lab while I do my work. You should know better Shade," he said. Nightshade backed off and walked up the stairs leaving Glade with Silver, and when he went upstairs Twinblade came crashing into Shade. Together the two slammed into the wall.

"Sorry Nightshade but there's something lurking in the Everfree forest. It's killing all wild life and it's making a path straight towards The Tree of Harmony!" Twinblade said. Nightshade's expression hardened as his horn ignited and he transformed himself and Twinblade into their human forms. Twin-blade stood with long black hair and bright electric blue eyes, his outfit was black jeans with a dark gray t-shirt, and a black trench coat. Twinblade scowled, "Seriously?" he asked. Nightshade sighed, "This is the only form I can fight in. Sure I can use magic but I can hardly move the way I can in human form," he said.

Twinblade sighed, "Yeah I know, it's just awkward-" Nightshade cut him off, "You'll get to use "that" blade if you don't complain," and Twin's gaze hardened, "Ok," he said quickly running back into Silver's lab. Silver yelled and Nightshade could hear Glade's squeal and a loud crash and Twin came back holding the red blade they had found, "This blade gives me a tingly feeling," he said.

Nightshade smiled, "Let's go," he said. Twin nodded and the two headed out the door. Night-shade grabbed Twin and rose up into the sky. The trees seemed to be rotting as they came closer to the base and Nightshade sighed, "Reaper," he said darkly.

Nightshade used his Zodiac Style and noticed Reaper wasn't alone. His scarlet eyes burned as he walked with Night Walker. Nightshade grabbed Twinblade tightly and launched him at the deadly duo with great force. Twinblade scowled, "Really?! At least you could have warned me!!" he yelled. Night-shade yelled, "Take out the Rainbooms Bomb!" he yelled charging an energy blast.

Twinblade pulled forth another blade stained silver and red while pulling out a rainbow colored orb from his pouch. Reaper saw Twinblade coming and sent forth a wave of negative magic from his horn but Twinblade held forth both Rogue and his blade absorbing the attack. Rogue shifted from a red blade to a black blade with a silver dragon's handle.

Night Walker snarled and lunged forward but Twinblade slid under Night Walker and clipped the rainbow orb to his thigh. Snapping his fingers and whistling a note from "Welcome to The Show" the orb began to glow and it exploded with the melodic tune from the Rainbooms when they had defeated the Dazzlings.

Nightwalker screeched in terror as he erupted into a cloud of shadow disappearing into the forest towards his pit. Nightshade appeared and grabbed Twin by the shoulder and pulled him out of Reapers range as he shot forth another negative blast.

Red and purple strands of energy are swirling around Nightshade's left arm as Nightwalker's shadows leapt forth and consumed Reaper's form. Nightshade's eyes widened as Reaper shrieked and his body began to morph into a human! Reaper's eyes were black and blood red and he now stood with long blue hair, and black demonic armor and a double bladed sword! Nightshade frowned, "Twinblade I'll need some cover in order to pull this off," he said as Twin nodded pouring magic into his blade and Rogue.


Back in Twilight's Castle Scarlet and Twilight sat in the throne room, "So what did you wanna talk about?" Twilight asked. Scarlet smiled, "Its Glade... I really like him... We've kissed but it was mainly an accident and I know we just met-" Twilight cut her off; "I know the feeling. Nightshade and I were the same way," she said giggling.

Scarlet's eyes widened, "You and Nightshade?!" she shrieked. Twilight laughed, "Yes I know what you're thinking. My friends all thought the same thing when we defeated Roark Lindrake. Night-shade and I did like each other and we shared those feelings after the battle. He rescued me so many times and was so charming. A little naïve but my feelings eventually caught on to him," she said winking at Scarlet.

Scarlet shook her head, "So what should I do?" she asked. Twilight rolled her eyes, "Tease him a little. Show him the girl he wants, and when the time is right tell him you like him. After all it's not like you love him," she said giggling. Scarlet blushed, "I guess you're right. Thank you Twilight," she said.

Twilight bowed to Scarlet, "So what exactly are you doing?" she asked. Scarlet sighed, "We have to defeat a new threat to the realms one at a time. His name is Night Walker," she said and Twilight turned at the name, "Did you say Night.....Walker?" she asked.

Scarlet nodded noticing the tone in Twilights voice, "I.... I thought Nightshade was imagining things....," she said. Scarlet looked at Twilight with worried eyes, "Who's Night Walker? What did Nightshade imagine?" she asked. Twilight sighed as her horn ignited sending both her and Scarlet into a dream in a time long, long, ago...

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