Chapter 10 Harmony At It's Finest

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Melody and Noel stared in awe at the explosion, "What just happened?!" Noel yelled. Melodies eyes began to tear up, "Nightshade..... Is dead..." she murmured. Noel's gaze shifted over to Melody and sighed. The air began to thicken and the energy from the explosion was swept away as Walker walked out from the crater with a smug look on his face, "Forgive me for not being a better entertainer. Let me show you the real power of shad-!" Walker was cut off as a powerful beam of magic hit him square in the chest.

From the corner of Melodies eye Twilight Sparkle and her friends appeared with the Elements of Harmony, "Melody hurry up and grab Glade and your companions quickly. We'll hold Nightwalker off till you're all safe!" Twilight yelled.

Melody nodded and took off with a melodic burst sending her spiraling towards Scarlet and Glade. Noel smiled and hummed a tune causing the forest to aid in his movements with his accomplices. Walker glared at the mane 6 and snarled, "How dare you all intervene!!" he snapped.

Twilight snuffed and looked to her friends and noticed the crater behind Walker with the remaining essence of Nightshade. Twilight's eyes widened in horror, "No!" she screeched. Walker smiled, "So you noticed heheh. He fought valiantly and even sacrificed himself to save all of you. His last fleeting memory was of the beautiful Princess Twilight!" he said in a mocking tone.

Twilight's eyes flared with dark magic and her friends gasped in terror, "H-How dare you! Y-you monster!! He-! He was my-!" Walker cut Twilight off and sent out a dark wave of energy but Twilight's magic rivaled his matter and easily knocked it aside.

Pinkie Pie send out a blast from her party canon knocking Walker back while Rainbow charged in with a Loyalty Rainboom and ripped right through Walkers shoulder! Rarity jumped up high and sent out a wave of magic from the element of generosity, "This isn't very lady like but for the type of monster you are it's quite understandable!" she yelled.

Fluttershy ran past the quarrel and examined the crater and gasped, "Oh my goodness!" she said sliding into the crater. Lying in the middle of the crater two gems black and white radiating with power. Fluttershy cautiously approached the gems and poked at them.


Melody and Noel were both exhausted from running forcing every step they took to the borders of Ponyville. Glade's wing stubs had been magically healed. Scarlet's eyes were empty and colorless. Noel noticed most of the harmony within her had diminished greatly, "Celestia help us all..." he muttered.

Melody could only nod in agreement to Noel's statement. From the sky Twinblade appeared landing next to the other heroes, "Where's Nightshade?!" he yelled. Melody looked back at Twin and her eyes began to tear up. Twin looked back from Noel to Melody and started to choke, "N-no! You don't mean he's-?!" Melody cut him off.

"He sacrificed himself to save us all... He's gone Twin... I wish it wasn't so but it is... I foresaw his demise... Only a few minor details changed... Please now isn't the time we need to get NightGlade to Twilight's Castle and fast! His magic is slowly draining and if he doesn't touch the castle's magical barrier soon we might lose him too!" Melody yelled.

Twinblade stiffened at Melodies sudden change in attitude but nodded feeling the emotions that radiated from the pegasi's body, "Then let's get to it... I'll have a messenger hawk contact Silver and hopefully he can help us..." he said taking Glade off of Melodies back, "Let Nightshade's sacrifice be not in vain," he murmured...


The gems emitted a light radiation of energy and swirled around Fluttershy making her squeal in terror. Nightshade's voice emitted from the gems, "Calm down Fluttershy calm down. These are relics I created with the help of The Tree of Harmony and a little science. I stored my remaining energy into these relics to help aid in the battle against Nightwalker. Throw these to Twilight and the relics will aid in injuring him alright?" his voice echoed.

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