Chapter 3 Nightwalker

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Scarlet stared in horror at the creature named Night Walker and in awe at the human standing before her, but where was Night Glade? Did this Night Walker kill him in cold blood?! She thought sadly.

The creature Night Walker only growled as it's blood red eyes focused on the human standing before it, *Growl, Snarl,* it snapped at the human viciously but not attacking. The human put up what looked like a * and a barrier formed between him and Night Walker.

"Scarlet I know that you're scared but you have to trust me. My name is Nightshade of the zodiac realm. I know this might be a lot to take in but I'm from another realm and I'm here to protect you. Glade was a counter part of me and the two of us fused together and became one being. I'm sure you've heard the tale of Realms uniting, yes?" he asked.

Scarlet's mind was spinning but she reluctantly nodded staring at Nightshade as she noticed his pine green eyes, "Glade..." she said in a small voice while blushing. Nightshade sighed and turned his attention to Night Walker who was now attacking the barrier.

Nightshade pulled out two sabres one black with green writing on it and the other was white with blue writing on it. Scarlet didn't understand why but she could read the writing on the blades, "Shin Ryu... Shiekatsu Ryu... Dragons? Why would your swords be named dragons?" Scarlet asked.

Nightshade sighed, "Because they're sentient weapons that were crafted long ago," he said backing away slowly from the barrier as it began to crack, "Shin Ryu was crafted by me and Shiekatsu was crafted by my father," he said. Scarlet looked at Nightshade from head to toe, "But you like a young man!" she said.

Nightshade used his energy and blasted Night Walker back as he broke through the barrier, "I've been alive for many years' Scarlet. More than I wish I had but I did. Please get out of here while you still can!" he said stomping his foot on the ground causing a pink pike erupt from the ground and pierce Night Walker through the chest.

Scarlet felt tear's sting her eyes, "What about you?" she asked. Nightshade smiled, "Don't you worry about a thing. If there's one thing I know it's that I'm not going to lose while defending a friend," he said. Scarlet choked back a sob and began to run away with Melody close behind her.

Nightshade blocked one of Night Walker's attacks and kicked him in the stomach hard, "Sorry to fight and run but your time will come later!" Nightshade said teleporting away. Night Walker roared in fury sending out a shock wave throughout the forest!

Melody turned and felt the negative energy beginning to corrupt the forests life and power. Scarlet turned to yell at Melody but she saw a mystical aura surround Melody as she began to sing a harmonic voice that echoed throughout the forest.

Night Walker felt the song of harmony rip away at his insides and he quickly retreated back into his dark cave. Melodies graceful voice began to quiet down as she felt the essence of Night Walker fade from the forest, "It'll be a long while before we see him again..." she said with a sad look.

Nightshade appeared before Scarlet and Melody and smiled, "Nice singing there Melody," he said with a wink. Melody smiled and crossed her legs while blushing lightly, "It was nothing really," she said. Nightshade laughed and turned towards Scarlet, "I'm sorry I yelled and rushed you guys out of there like that," he said.

Scarlet scowled at Nightshade, "Who gave you control over this mission anyhow?!" she yelled. Nightshade laughed all the louder, "Star Bright Silver sent me to take control as soon as Glade summoned me missy," he said sticking a tongue out at her.

Scarlet's body turned dark red at the sound of hearing him call her "missy", "What did you call me?!" she screeched. Nightshade stuck out his tongue, "Miiiisssssyyyyy," he dragged it on with a cheeky smile. Scarlet pulled out her bow and shot an ice arrow at him but Nightshade quickly caught it with his bare hand and Scarlet's eyes widened, *No one's ever stood still! No one's ever tried to stop my arrows! Now here standing before me a human catching it with his bare hand!!!* She thought.

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