Chapter 7 Time Jump To A Clue

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Twilight and Scarlet appeared in a molten area and more humans lay battered and broken on the ground. One man stood before a dark skinned warrior who radiated with dark energy. Twilight raised another level of magic around them. Scarlet gazed down at the man and noticed the man beside him... Nightshade!!

"You have lost Galen Yamanakou. Though your efforts are worth congratulating I will award you with a quick death!" The dark man said. The man named Galen held a peculiar blade that the boy carried in his hand... it was Shin Ryu! Scarlet's gaze was locked on the blade and the boy.

"Lord Walker please dispose of Master Galen," The Dark one said. Nightshade's eyes were blood red with a black background, "Yes Lord Aladar," he said. Galen held forth Shin Ryu as Nightshade drew forth Shiekatsu Ryu which crackled with red lightning.

Scarlet's eyes shifted to Twilight, "What are we seeing?!" she yelled. Twilight frowned, "The first true deaths I was shown... This is the battle that decided the fate of the realms..." she said sadly. Scarlet averted her gaze back to the battle where Galen was knocked around by the corrupted Nightshade.

"Uncle please listen to me! This isn't you! What happened to the sentient lord? You're the one who defeated Daemon Awkright?!" Galen yelled. Nightshade's gaze was hard and he laughed darkly putting his blade to the side, "Your Uncle is dead. Nightshade is but a mere memory of the past. I am Night Walker: the personification of darkness. I am the new shadow sentient!!" he yelled.

Galen's eyes turned electric blue, "Sentient mode!" Scarlet gasped. Galen lunged forward and slashed in several motions but Night Walker blocked each strike. Walker kicked Galen in the stomach and sent his blade out wide and prepared the finishing blow. Galen closed his eyes, *I'm sorry dad,* he thought.

The sound of metal rang in the air and Galen opened his eyes. A tall man with long gray hair stood before Galen blocking Walker's strike, "The man I knew inside was stronger than this... Night-shade... I can't believe this... I'm fighting on the other side for once... Now it's my turn to repay the favor..." the man said.

Walker's eyes widened, "You!" he yelled. Galen was awe stricken, "Bane..." he whispered. Bane knocked Walkers blade aside and blasted him back several feet, "That's Uncle Calus to you! Now let's knock some sense into your other uncle!" he yelled pushing an enormous amount of energy into Galen's body.

Walker bounced back with a dark matter blade alongside with Shiekatsu and swung hard at Bane who merely laughed and slid past the attack sending a wave of energy into Walker knocking him back as Galen came forward slashing across Walker's chest! Walker grunted in pain and lashed out with Chaos Aenimoras!

Bane jumped high in the sky and launched his own Chaos Aenimoras! Walker flipped backwards attempting to dodge but the blast nicked his arm causing him to lose balance and Galen snatched Shiekatsu out of his grasp! Walker turned and sent out another wave but Shiekatsu erupted with a blue energy rebounding the attack!

Bane smiled, "Let it begin!" he said. Galen's body began to flow with a bright energy and he lunged forward at Walker slashing left and right. Scarlet noticed something about the attacks Galen was pushing forth! The dark and negative energy was being ripped from Nightshade's body leaving him unscathed!

With a final scream the negative energy left Nightshade's body and he fell to the ground and lay very still. Galen also fell as Aladar returned to the scene with an even darker aura. The negative energy that had been within Nightshade's body latched together and crawled away. Scarlet pointed to the negative energy and Twilight nodded.

Scarlet watched as the scene shifted from the battle to an even darker one! Twilight seemed unfazed by the scene. Nightshade laid battered and broken, a boy wearing orange clothing with blonde hair screamed out in anger hitting the fallen Nightshade with a glowing attack. As the attack touched Nightshade's body, Roark stabbed through and the boy in orange disappeared from sight in a cloud of smoke. Dust clung to the corpse of Revan Malik.....

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