Chapter 12 Heroes Of Equestria!!

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Nightwalker roared in anger and sent forth dark tendrils in all directions. Night Glade leapt forward sending a wave of arcane power cutting the tendrils down! Scarlet and Thunder both let their arrows fly hitting Nightwalker precisely causing large explosions sending him flying backwards.

Silver spun around and teleported behind Nightwalker and punched him several times in the back sending bolts of electricity throughout Nightwalker's body. Nightwalker roared in pain and backhanded Silver sending him flying into the sea. Noel and Melody both sang warm tunes pushing Nightwalker back and healing the fatigue that loomed on everyone else.

Night Glade ran forward swinging his blades hard cutting away at Nightwalkers negative energy armor. Thunder pulled out a golden arrow and shot it below Nightwalkers feet. "Glade get out of there!" he yelled.

Glade jumped back while sending forth a wave of magic keeping Nightwalker pinned to his spot. Nightwalker looked down and the golden arrow spark and left forth a massive thunder wave shocking him.

Nightwalker screamed in pain and his eyes flared, "You fools! Back down!" he yelled as a dark matter wave erupted from his body knocking every one down. Nightwalkers scythe appeared in his grasp and he charged at Night Glade, "No so easy to defend yourself now is it Glade?" he snarled.

Glade smiled, "Not really. Take this: Sarominae Necarose!" he yelled letting forth a wave of violet energy that pierced through Nightwalker's stomach. The energy stung and left Nightwalker writhing in agony!

"How did you master that move?!" Nightwalker screamed in pain. Glade smiled, "Didn't you know? Nightshade and I could fuse together. I learned everything I know from him. Let's see how you handle this!" he said as his eyes turned electric blue, "Sentient Alignment: Star Barrage!" he yelled sending forth tiny star like orb that began to chirp and spark.

Nightwalker got to his feet and felt something pierce through his chest. Looking down at his chest a bright blue arrow tip protruded from his chest. Instantly ice began to form over Nightwalker's body, "No!" he yelled.

Thunder laughed, "Nice shot Blitz," he said with a smile. Scarlet huffed, "Scarlet. It's Scarlet Blitz thank you," she said fixing her hair. Thunder paled, *Remind me not to piss her off Glade,* he thought.

Nightwalker began to rip the ice off but the harder he tried the more ice appeared. Soon the ice had covered Nightwalker's entire body. Glade snapped his fingers and the star orbs smashed into Nightwalker creating a great shockwave and destroying the frozen monster.

The shattered remains melted away and Nightwalker reappeared behind Glade swinging his scythe wide. Twinblade came forth his swords ablaze knocking Nightwalker back, "Sorry about that but my friends already lost his wings and I'm not about to let you take the rest of him that easily!" he yelled swinging his swords hard sending up dark red flames at Nightwalker!

Scarlet and Thunder ran forward as Noel and Melody sang a battle tune giving them the strength to fire a great amount of arrows. Nightwalker constantly spun his scythe deflecting the arrows as they came. From behind Twinblade stabbed Nightwalker through the chest with his twin katana's pinning him to the ground!

Silver focused on the energy in his gauntlets and charged at Nightwalker and struck him multiple times sending sharp electrical currents into Nightwalker's body! Glade snorted, "This ends here! Everyone together!" he yelled. The others gathered around Glade, "Focus your most powerful attack! Together we're going to destroy him!" he yelled.

Silver and Twinblade focused an orb of lightning and fire while Thunder and Scarlet both chanted a magical incantation for their arrows. Glade held up one hand as Melody and Noel sang a calm tune strengthening his energy, "TOGETHER!!! SAROMINAE NECAROSE!!| Glade yelled sending forth a blue wave of energy.

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