Chapter 5 The Fun Never Ends!

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Nightshade, Scarlet, and Glade arrived back in Ponyville and to their surprise Pinkie Pie was already there, "Hey you came back! A lot sooner than I had thought! Oh and you brought-" Pinkie stopped and stared at Nightshade, "Oh no! Oh no no! No not good! Not good! Why are you here?!" she exclaimed.

Scarlet and Glade both turned their attention to Nightshade who had paled into a ghost white color, "Uh hey Pinkie," he said. Pinkie looked at Nightshade closely and snorted, "Ooooh she is going to blow her top if she sees you!" she says. Nightshade looked on the verge of a panic, "You can't let her know I'm here Pinkie! Please don't let her know! This is an emergency!" he said.

Pinkie put his hoof in Pinkies mouth, "Twilight cannot know I'm here! I'm here-" he said but a shriek split the air and Nightshade turned to see Twilight standing with a fiery expression on her face, "I would love to hear your excuse as to why you're here you big jerk!" she yelled.

Nightshade was sweating heavily and started to back away but Twilight's horn ignited with magic grabbing Nightshade and pulling him away from the station towards her castle! Scarlet and Glade both glanced at each other and laughed and began to fly after Twilight.


Within the Sentient Palace Kisashi had finished his training session with Melody and handed her over to Star Bright to master control over her voice and prophetic abilities. Star Bright and Melody were within a chamber that resembled space. Melody felt a little off and dizzy within the chamber thinking she would fall into an endless pit.

"Calm your senses. Relax and let go of your fear. Take a deep breath and smile. Here you can be yourself and use your powers to their limit. Do not fear in harming me I promise that I'll be quite alright standing so close to you," Star said in a soothing voice.

Melody nodded as she began to sing a low and sweet melodic tune. The music lifted Star's spirit and she knew the spell to be a healing spell, "Now focus and let out your anger and hate. Attack your surroundings," she commanded in a hard tone. Melodies tone began to harden and the speed of her tune increased sending out vicious magical wave's that rippled in the air.

Star noticed the power radiating from each wave and smiled, "Very good now try and let it all out!" she yelled over the noise. Melody smiled and began to sing a dark song but her mind told her to stop and an image of her brother formed in her head and she let out a cry falling to the ground unconscious.

Star ran to Melody and checked for injury and noticed the magical wound radiating with a blue aura from her wrist, "You need to let go..." she said. Odion arrived and helped carry Melody to her bed and sat down beside her in a meditating position, "It seems that she requires one that holds more wisdom to magic than power and grace... She needs to forget her loses... Only then can she truly use her singing," he said to Star bright who only nodded with a tear glinting in her eye staring down at her poor little Melody...


Nightshade sat strapped in a chair as Twilight yelled at him, "How could you stay with them and not return here?! You said you had feelings for me and I believed you! You lied to me! I know I'm not one to believe in fairy tales but I thought maybe just once there was something else besides my duties as a princess and the drama that enters equestria every other day! Do you have any idea how I felt when you chose to stay behind?! DO YOU?!" she yelled.

Nightshade smiled nervously, "I gave you my reasons Twily I-" Twilight cut him off, "Oh don't you even think of trying to smooth talk your way out of this one Mr.! I remember every detail to your explanation about staying behind but you could have at least visited! Wrote to me anything!!!" she yelled.

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