Chapter 1

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Hailey's POV

The sun was shining so bright through my light curtains hitting me straight in the eye. "Ugh" I squinted my eyes so tightly that they were almost shut again. The time read 6:30. I slowly pulled my self out of bed before hearing my mum call my name out for the third time "Hailey! Honey are you awake?" Her tone showed a hint of annoyance. "Yes mum! I'm awake!" I walked my self to the shower, with my eyes closed. I'm surprised I didn't trip over on my way... I felt for the taps, too lazy to open my eyes, and turned one of them, stepping into the shower fully, to get myself to wake up. I gasped when I felt freezing water hit my petite body; well... Now I'm awake. I quickly turned the hot water on making the whole bathroom become steamy. When I finished my shower I went back to my room to choose out an outfit. I decided on casual jeans that fit my legs perfectly with a peachy coloured tank top. Today was just like any other day, I was a youth worker and helped children who had behavioural issues and so on; so there was no need to dress up. They were all mainly younger children but we had the occasional older teens attend, very rarely though. Snapping out of my thoughts when I realized I was going to be late. 7:10 am. Shit. I start work at 7:30. I had to quickly apply makeup - concealer, light foundation and mascara making my green eyes stand out, I brushed my almost dried hair and then grabbed my phone and bag and went down stairs. Getting to the kitchen I saw my mum and dad eating then turning their attention to me. "Going to that job of yours huh?" My parents didn't really think my job was "good for me" their dreams were for me to study medicine and become a doctor or nurse. But that's definitely not me. "Yes dad, I'm going to my job..." He lifted one eye brow and then looked back to his newspaper. "Um so honey, do you want breakfast?" I quickly looked at my watch '7:20'. "Um actually mum I'll just take toast to go, I'm late!" I grabbed the toast and my keys and closed the door behind me. I got into my car and drove off. Let's just say I was speeding a bit, but hey I was late...

Since the centre isn't so far away I got there luckily only 5 minutes late. I got out and locked my car, speed walking into the building. I looked around, the building wasn't too big but it wasn't small either. There were a few rooms where the other youth workers spoke to the children in private. I was mainly always holding group discussions and 'counselling' the children. I'm not complaining. I loved my job, helping children and teens with any troubles they're having made me feel good. I set up in the back corner placing a few chairs, almost in a semi circle, then a chair which I'd be sitting on, in front of the semi circled organized chairs. I gathered the children I was meant to be talking to and sat them at the chairs. Both girls and boys ages ranging from 12-16 years old. Which was what I usually had. I spoke to them about what improvements they've made, and what they did on the weekend, being Monday, I thought I'd start up conversation since the children were pretty quiet this morning. After around ten minutes of talking to the children, I heard the door open then slam closed again, I looked to the other end of the building to where the door was, seeing a kid, well not sure if I could call him a kid, he looked at least 18- 19 years old. He was wearing mainly all black- black jeans, black converse and a black leather jacket. The only thing different was his white shirt underneath. As he came closer I began to study his features, now being able to see them properly. He had honey brown eyes, almost not visible because he was squinting giving him the 'mysterious look', he had perfectly chiselled check bones, perfect nose and lips. Hair slightly shorter on the sides than up the top which had a little quiff. Wow, was anything not good about his looks? "Wait, no. Hailey stop, you're 20. You're probably at least 2 years older than him. " I thought to myself as I snapped out of my thoughts to the noise of him clearing his throat. Shit, I must have been staring for a long time. "Oh um, sorry what's your name?" His expression unreadable; I could tell he didn't want to be here though. "Zayn." He simply said, as he took a seat and put his hoodie over his head. Keeping quiet for the whole talk.

I got back home exhausted... Ugh, I haven't had much sleep lately at all. Once again my mum was only home, because my dad was a workaholic, he's probably at work for 12 hours straight everyday and when he's not at work he's in his office doing work... People might think it's weird that I still live at home when I'm 20 years old but I don't care, I loved coming home to my family. I changed out of my clothes and straight into my pyjamas, then help my mum set the table, for 2 of course then leave left overs for my dad in the fridge. "Oh hi sweetie, when did you get home?" She asked in her usual 'happy' tone. "Hi mum, not long ago" I said, grabbing the stuff from the kitchen to bring it to the table. Dinner was quiet, not much talking at all. Just like every other day. "I'm really tired mum, I'm going to bed. Good night" I dried off the last plate and put it away. "Oh ok good night."

I felt bad for leaving my mum alone, I usually stay up with her to wait for my dad, hence the reason why I haven't been getting sleep. "Ugh" I threw my self on to the bed after brushing my teeth, almost too lazy to put the blanket on me. I couldn't help but think about the mysterious boy Zayn, why was he attending if he wasn't even going to speak and I doubt he was listening either. I just want to know more about him.

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