Chapter 12

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Hello, I've been very busy lately with stuff, I'm moving houses and I need to pack by this week so I just thought I'd do a quick update, there might be a few spelling mistakes and stuff so, sorry and I'll add more to this chapter tomorrow, enjoy.

And please leave some feedback :)

*2 months later* *Zayn's POV*

"Sorry mate, you pay full price up front, cash... or nothing." The sweaty man with a beard longer than I've ever seen rolled his eyes, giving in, stuffed his hand into his ripped pockets; taking out a hundred dollar note and swapping it with the small bag that I was holding in my hand.

"Nice doing business with you." I gave his shoulders a slight slap, watching his face turn from angry to furious. I ignored his muttered swear words and walked off into my new car, which took me two whole months to save up for.

It's been around two months since I've moved out of my parents' house and I still haven't spoken to them since then. Hailey and I were still good. She works during the week and I 'work' during the week, then we saw each other most weekends. And yes I have done some drugs a couple more times since the first time I tried it, but it's just harmless fun... not like I'm addicted or anything. Hailey didn't know what I really did for work and the way I was living at the moment and she never will, only a little while longer and I'll have enough money to move out and buy my own place.

I parked up 2 blocks down from my mate's house, never taking chances. It was now around 10pm, which was the usual time I got back to my mates, then we'd sit up for another 5 hours, so all up I got hardly any sleep at all. The walk seemed longer than usual, maybe because my eyes were forcing themselves shut. If my head touches a pillow I will be fast asleep within seconds.

Loud arguing ripped my thoughts away and brought me back to reality, I turned to the source of the sound to find, none other than my friends standing outside of the gas station nearby, looking like they were up to something. I walked up to them to see what was going on, "mates, what's going on?" I looked at them and they stopped their arguing and planning with one another, "we're gonna' rob the station." They told me casually then turned to one another and began the arguing again. "No you, fucking stand outside while we go in."

"I'll go to the counter and you go to the back room."

"No fuck off, you go to the back room." These guys couldn't agree on anything and I didn't want to be in any part of this. I turned about to walk away until one of them grabbed my shoulder. "Zayn will do it." He told the rest of the boys. I removed his hand off of my shoulder. "I'm not doing anything. I'm going home."

"Don't be like that man, just help us out."

"Why would I wanna' help you rob a store?" I squinted my eyes, my tone of voice clearly annoyed.

"All you have to do is stand at the door and keep watch." He crossed his arms and stared at me, the rest copying his actions.

"Fuck, ok, ok. If you're not done in 5 minutes I'm leaving." I walked towards the door, crossing my arms and leaned against the frame. They all walked together to the door, one of them smashing it with the metal object they were holding. The alarm went off a few seconds later, causing the boys to run in and do things faster than they were a short time ago.

"Hurry the fuck up!" I whisper screamed, starting to panic that cops would turn up soon.

Two of the boys ran to the counter, smashing open the cash register taking every cent that was inside filling their pockets up, the other two ran to the back store room probably hoping they'd find something worth a little money and the last guys walked around the store quickly filling his arms and pockets with food and drinks. I let out a loud sigh getting anxious, these dicks were taking too long. "Fuck" I shouted then ran inside to help them at the counter. "Pick up the cash from the floor." one of them panicked, the sweat very clear all over his face. I bent down and picked up all of the notes that were scattered everywhere, regretting the second I walked over to the gas station.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard police sirens, coming from somewhere very close. I looked around to everyone, who began to move faster, picking up everything they saw then ran straight to the door. I followed straight behind, trying to keep hold of all of the money. We saw the cop car turn the corner and I'm pretty sure the he saw us. We ran for our lives hoping to find somewhere to hide in at least until we lost the cops, but unfortunately our luck ran low and we they caught up to us in no time.

We were all taken down to the station, questioned and then we waited for almost an hour. Luckily, 3 of us were let out with a warning since this was one of our first offences, while the other two already had a couple of other major offences and needed to stay a couple of days.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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